Teller Report

The record of pacts Podemos-IU without open primaries shows the pulse of the dome 'purple' to Yolanda Díaz

4/14/2023, 2:16:04 PM

Highlights: Podemos and IU will register today before the Electoral Boards a record of joint candidacies for the regional elections. In addition, this very broad alliance will still be.... Government Podemos takes to the limit the clash with the PSOE and forces Yolanda Díaz to portray herself. The PSOE fears that Diaz does not have "enough strength" and Iglesias imposes the break with Sumar. Like other times, there will be alliances between the main two main cities.

Podemos and IU will register today before the Electoral Boards a record of joint candidacies for the regional elections. In addition, this very broad alliance will still be...

  • Government Podemos takes to the limit the clash with the PSOE and forces Yolanda Díaz to portray herself
  • Politics The PSOE fears that Diaz does not have "enough strength" and Iglesias imposes the break with Sumar

Podemos and IU will register today before the Electoral Boards a record of joint candidacies for the regional elections. In addition, this very broad alliance will be even greater in the municipal elections, since in an immense majority of cities there will be lists presented with the participation of these two formations. Or more.

The success of this consensus between Podemos and IU makes even more evident the attitude that the purple party is taking towards Yolanda Díaz, whom it refused to wrap in the announcement of her candidacy for the general elections because she demanded that Sumar have signed a written commitment for the celebration of "open primaries" to make the lists.

None of the alliances that will be formalized today, the day that the deadline for registering electoral coalitions ends, has held joint or even open primaries. All the cases have been what Podemos calls "pact of dispatches". That is, an agreement between organizations to share the positions on the lists. The same thing he has also done in general elections and now categorically denies that it could happen with Sumar. Thus, for the appointment of May 28, the militants of Podemos and IU have only had the opportunity to choose the candidates of their own organization, but nothing regarding the joint candidacy. For example, no one from IU or Alianza Verde has voted for the heads of the list of Unidas Podemos, which in all cases has a purple card, except for La Rioja, where IU leads despite the very strong pressures for it not to be so.

There will be ten regional coalitions of Podemos and IU for 28-M. Those that revalidate: Community of Madrid, Valencian Community, Balearic Islands, Extremadura, Castilla-La Mancha and La Rioja. And those that are released: Cantabria, Navarra, Region of Murcia and Canary Islands.

These alliances have been working since the summer or autumn, depending on the case, and that has allowed that breadth. Because right now the relations between Podemos and IU are not exactly going through a sweet moment with the irruption of Sumar. The effusive support that Alberto Garzón's organization is giving to Yolanda Díaz in the face of the pulse that Podemos is proposing has the space of the alternative left to the PSOE boiling.

Pact in extremis in La Rioja

Tension and pullas manifest themselves almost daily. And for example the promotional video that Podemos has made for its Spring Festival this Saturday in Zaragoza, which is the unofficial launch of its campaign. Some phrases and images have generated deep discomfort in IU, which has seen it as an attack. The spot, when presenting what it is to be of Podemos, said that "he is the militant of all the fucking life who hallucinates and is indignant when he sees that his ministers put themselves in profile with NATO and the war in Ukraine." While showing scenes where the symbols of the PCE are very recognizable. There is anger in the direction of IU but, this does not stop there, because the shot was also for Diaz.

Meanwhile, Podemos and IU have managed to solve this Friday the problem that prevented the signing in La Rioja. What was one of the first autonomies to close an agreement between its regional directorates has been on the edge of the abyss. The national executive of Podemos blocked that pact because it gave IU the head of the list for the first time in regional elections (Henar Moreno, who is also related to Díaz).

That's how the situation has been until it moved in the last few days. In exchange for accepting Moreno's candidacy, the purples fired their economic demands for the deal. On Sunday it was agreed to cede to Podemos 60% of the economic resources and the first two positions for Logroño. A day later, Madrid again blocked it to demand 70%. IU stood up, denounced "foul play" and refused to accept something "unassumable". Finally, about 12 hours before the end of the deadline, Podemos has backed down and agrees to keep 60% of the money. That has led to white smoke. There will be a coalition in La Rioja.

No agreement in Aragon and Asturias

Where Podemos and IU are safe separately is in Aragon and Asturias. Like other times. Confluence is impossible there.

Yes, there will be alliances between the two in the main cities of Andalusia (except Granada and Jaén), Catalonia, Galicia, the Basque Country and Castilla y León (except Zamora, where IU governs with the eternal Guarido, and Soria).

In some cities the Sumar formula is tested, but the reality is that Díaz's potential allies come separately and confront Podemos and IU. Above all it is seen in the cases of Madrid, Valencian Community and Canary Islands, where competition is not only fierce with Más Madrid, Compromís or Drago, respectively, it threatens to leave Unidas Podemos in the bones.

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  • Alberto Garzon
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