Teller Report

Leak of secret documents in the United States: the young soldier Jack Teixeira formally charged

4/14/2023, 9:25:15 PM

Highlights: Jack Teixeira appeared in a courtroom of a federal court in Boston mid-morning. The IT specialist at an Air National Guard base is being prosecuted for leaking classified army documents to friends in a discussion group on a video game forum. The indictment states that he also used his clearance to conduct research on the word leak in early April, presumably to try to find out if the investigation was getting closer to him. He remains in custody pending a hearing scheduled for next Wednesday. The Justice Department will ask that he remain imprisoned until trial.

The young soldier arrested Thursday in the case of leaks of classified military documents in the United States was charged Friday, April 14. Two charges are brought against him. He risks years...

Leak of secret documents in the United States: the young soldier Jack Teixeira formally charged

Jack Teixeira, right, drawing during his appearance in the Boston District Court, this Friday, April 14, 2023. AP - Margaret Small

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The young soldier arrested Thursday in the case of leaks of classified military documents in the United States was charged Friday, April 14. Two charges are brought against him. He faces years in prison.


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With our correspondent in Washington, Guillaume Naudin

It was in a beige outfit provided by judicial authorities that Jack Teixeira appeared in a courtroom of a federal court in Boston mid-morning. The 21-year-old nodded to his family who were present.

The IT specialist at an Air National Guard base is being prosecuted for leaking classified army documents to friends in a discussion group on a video game forum.

He is accused of unauthorized retention and transmission of national defence information and unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material.

Teixeira and his lawyers have not indicated whether he intends to plead guilty or not guilty. The indictment states that he also used his clearance to conduct research on the word leak in early April, presumably to try to find out if the investigation was getting closer to him.

He faces fifteen years in prison. He remains in custody pending a hearing scheduled for next Wednesday. The Justice Department will ask that he remain imprisoned until trial.

► Read also United States: a 21-year-old computer scientist arrested after the leak of secret documents

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