Teller Report

German Foreign Minister Visiting China Shows China Emphasis on Taiwan Situation

4/14/2023, 8:54:41 PM

Highlights: During a visit to China, German Foreign Minister Baerbock said, "It is unacceptable to change the status quo unilaterally and violently," adding that China is increasing military pressure on Taiwan. French President Emmanuel Macron expressed his intention to attach importance to the situation in Taiwan amid the spread of repercussions by saying that Europe should distance itself from the US-China confrontation over Taiwan. Chinese Foreign Minister Qin reacted by saying, "Taiwan is China's Taiwan, and China's territory cannot be indispensable," while expressing intention to strengthen relations with Germany.

During a visit to China, German Foreign Minister Baerbock said, "It is unacceptable to change the status quo unilaterally and violently," adding that China is increasing military pressure on Taiwan ...

During a visit to China, German Foreign Minister Baerbock said, "Unilateral and violent changes to the status quo are unacceptable," and expressed concern that China is increasing military pressure on Taiwan. French President Emmanuel Macron expressed his intention to attach importance to the situation in Taiwan amid the spread of repercussions by saying that Europe should distance itself from the US-China confrontation over Taiwan.

German Foreign Minister Baerbock held a joint press conference after meeting with Foreign Minister Qin Gang in Beijing on May 14.

Foreign Minister Baerbock expressed concern that China is increasing military pressure on Taiwan, stating that "unilateral and violent changes to the status quo are unacceptable as Europeans," saying that a Taiwan emergency would have a major impact on the world. He also said, "We are concerned about the suppression of human rights in China."

Regarding the situation in Taiwan, French President Emmanuel Macron, who visited China earlier, has caused ripples when he believes that Europe should distance itself from the US-China confrontation over Taiwan.

For this reason, Foreign Minister Baerbock's remarks attracted attention, but it showed that Europe attaches importance to the situation in Taiwan.

In response, Foreign Minister Qin reacted by saying, "Taiwan is China's Taiwan, and China's territory cannot be indispensable," while expressing his intention to strengthen relations with Germany centered on economic cooperation.

As the confrontation with the United States continues, China seems to intend to drive a wedge between the United States and other countries by showing its position of emphasis on Germany.

Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang: "We will not provide weapons to the parties to the conflict"

Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang emphasized at a joint press conference with German Foreign Minister Baerbock that "our position boils down to one point: to encourage peace negotiations" regarding the situation in Ukraine.

He then reacted to military assistance to Russia, which Western countries have expressed concern about, saying, "China is taking a cautious and responsible stance and will not provide weapons to the parties to the conflict."