Teller Report

G7 Foreign Ministers' Joint Statement Draft Revealed Condemns Russia's 'Disinformation'

4/11/2023, 9:23:52 PM

Highlights: The G7 Foreign Ministers' Meeting is scheduled to be held in Karuizawa Town, Nagano Prefecture from the 16th of next week. The draft of the joint statement to be compiled at the meeting has been revealed. It calls for the immediate withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine, strongly condemns Russia for using false information to gain international support. Japan will continue to provide assistance to Ukraine as long as necessary, while requesting third countries to stop supplying weapons and other weapons in order to close loopholes in sanctions against Russia.

NHK: The draft of the joint statement to be compiled at the G7 = Foreign Ministers' Meeting of seven major countries to be held next week has been revealed. Russian troops from Ukraine ...

The draft of the joint statement to be compiled at the G7 = Foreign Ministers' Meeting of seven major countries to be held next week has been revealed.
It calls for the immediate withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine, strongly condemns Russia for using false information to gain international support, and says it will work to maintain access to reliable information.

The G7 Foreign Ministers' Meeting is scheduled to be held in Karuizawa Town, Nagano Prefecture from the 16th of next week, and the draft of the joint statement to be compiled at the meeting has been revealed.

The original draft reiterates its condemnation of Russia's continued invasion of Ukraine in the strongest terms and calls for the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all troops.

On top of that, Japan will continue to provide assistance to Ukraine as long as necessary, while requesting third countries to stop supplying weapons and other weapons in order to close loopholes in sanctions against Russia.

It also strongly condemns Russia for using false information to gain international support and says it will support the efforts of the United Nations and others, saying access to quality and reliable information is key.

On the other hand, China is seriously concerned about the situation in the East China Sea and other areas, and strongly opposes unilateral attempts to change the status quo by force or coercion.

It also reiterated the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, and called for action in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, etc., bearing in mind that Japan men from major pharmaceutical companies are being detained by the Chinese authorities.

In addition, in order to realize a world free of nuclear weapons, it includes encouraging leaders and young people from various countries to visit Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and strengthening cooperation among the G7 in light of the increasing threat to economic security.