Teller Report

Carola apologizes after criticized interview: "I am deeply sorry"

4/11/2023, 2:14:09 PM

Highlights: Carola Häggkvist's own words about integration in Sweden have aroused debate. She has been called both xenophobic and naïve, but she also receives support from a number of well-known names. In the interview, which was published in Svenska Dagbladet during the Easter weekend, the artist also refutes that she is hostile to foul. Many who support her refer to the fact that she has on several occasions helped refugees and allowed them to live in their homes.

The artist Carola Häggkvist's own words about integration in Sweden have aroused debate. She has been called both xenophobic and naïve, but she also receives support from a number of well-known names. In a post on Instagram, Carola says that she "crashed" when she read the text. "At the same time, I regret that I have hurt people," she wrote.

"I don't think you can say 'come and live as you want in our country'. It is not cowardly to cherish Sweden's traditions and sing 'Den blomstertid' at school graduations. Sometimes I am completely distraught by the development. We see the results," says Carola Häggkvist, referring to the shootings.

In the interview, which was published in Svenska Dagbladet during the Easter weekend, the artist also refutes that she is hostile to foul.


The author Alex Schulman writes in a column that he believes Carola has had a "Jimmie moment" and that she expresses herself xenophobic.

"I think Carola is neither racist nor Islamophobic really, just naïve, but that it is a xenophobic statement we do not get away from," writes Alex Schulman.

Others go even further and call Carola a "Muslim-hater."

Has helped refugees

Under Carola's Instagram post, where she writes that she felt no chance when she read the article, there are also many who applaud her and those who believe that she was deliberately misunderstood.

"A bigger, more generous and more inclusive heart than yours is hard to find," writes PR consultant and party planner Micael Bindefeld.

Many who support her refer to the fact that she has on several occasions helped refugees and allowed them to live in their homes. "YOU if anyone cares about EVERYONE regardless of background", writes Pernilla Wahlgren. Mia Parnevik and Kicken Lundqvist also give Carola their support and believe that she has done nothing wrong.