Teller Report

"Songlines": the exhibition on Australian Aborigines and the legend of the seven sisters

4/11/2023, 10:23:45 AM

Highlights: You can now visit Australia without leaving Paris, thanks to the exhibition "Songlines" or the singing of the tracks, among the Australian aborigines. To discover their world, you have to immerse yourself in a desert setting and in the myth of the seven sisters, one of the most famous legends of the country. On the walls are displayed dazzling canvases that take up the technique of pointillism and express the vibration of the territory, according to the aborigine.

You can now visit Australia without leaving Paris, thanks to the exhibition " Songlines" or the singing of the tracks, among the Australian aborigines. To discover their world, you have to immerse yourself in a desert setting and the myth of the seven sisters, one of the most famous legends of the country.

Marie Gicquel, edited by Loane Nader 12:16 pm, April 11, 2023

You can now visit Australia without leaving Paris, thanks to the exhibition "Songlines" or the song of the tracks, among the Australian aborigines. To discover their world, you have to immerse yourself in a desert setting and in the myth of the seven sisters, one of the most famous legends of the country.

The fate of seven sisters pursued by a wizard is the story of the mythical Aboriginal legend of Australia that traces "Songlines", the exhibition at the Quai Branly museum. This red thread takes the viewer by the hand, towards the most desert lands and a clearest starry sky. Enough to completely immerse yourself on the other side of the globe in Oceania, all in poetry. On the walls are displayed dazzling canvases that take up the technique of pointillism and express the vibration of the territory, according to the aborigines.

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Love, adventure and fear

For Stéphanie Leclerc-Caffarel, scientific expert of the exhibition, it "is based, like all aboriginal knowledge, on stories. The elders of the communities chose an epic full of twists and turns, with love, adventure, a little fear too." And the masterpiece of this exhibition, which is also a poster, is a large canvas created by several aborigines in 2013. There are multicolored paintings depicting a kind of aerial view of a sacred land located in Western Australia, a place where women turn into stone, according to the story of the heroines of the work, the seven sisters.

An exhibition available from 9 euros until July 2nd, enough to give yourself time to experience it several times.