Teller Report

Amir from Jönköping makes art out of the rubbish from the Motor Show

4/10/2023, 12:33:30 PM

Highlights: Amir Faqiri from Jönköping collects rubbish and turns it into art. In total, there have been 30 paintings depicting different animals. He says many people are surprised by his work and that it's a good way to draw attention to the problem of plastic and litter. Three years ago, he started up the non-profit organization Keep JönKöping Clean, whose goal is to make the city cleaner. He has received several awards and prizes for his efforts and works more and more with lecturing.

After the Elmia Motor Show, many of Jönköping's parking lots have once again been rubbish. For Amir Faqiri from Jönköping, who collects rubbish, the warehouse with plastic scraps has now been replenished and will become new art. "It's good for me, but of course it's tiring that it's like this every year in connection with the Motor Show.

In his studio in Jönköping, he makes paintings of the rubbish he finds. In total, there have been 30 paintings depicting different animals. It's been about two years since he started doing this, and he says many people are surprised by his work.

"This is a very good way to draw attention to the problem of plastic and litter. Most people think I painted the paintings, but it's like you see just a lot of rubbish," he laughs.

Several awards and prizes

Three years ago, Amir Faqiri was involved in starting up the non-profit organization Keep Jönköping Clean, whose goal is to make Jönköping cleaner. Since then, he has received several awards and prizes for his efforts and he works more and more with lecturing and holding workshops with children and young people.

See more in the clip above