Teller Report

Relatives of Iranian regime critics receive threatening calls: "Don't know who it is"

4/8/2023, 4:52:59 PM

Highlights: "I don't know who these people are. It could be the police," says the man. "I'm not sure who they are," he adds. "They could be my family members or they could be people I don't even know" The phone call was made by a man who lives in Iran and works for a company in Sweden. The man's name is Jafar Zadeh and he works for the company. He says he's been contacted by a number of people who want to talk to him.

After Mahsa Amini was killed last year by Iran's morality police and the protests broke out, many Iranian exiles have engaged in social media to support the protests. But many relatives receive phone calls from unknown people who call the criticism of the Iranian regime "untruths". "It could be the security police," says Hamade Ziyabari Tajaddodi.

Hamade Ziyabari Tajaddodi has lived in Sweden since 2015. After the Iranian protests broke out after Mahsa Amini's death, she began to get involved from Sweden.

"The least I can do is post pictures and videos," she says.

Although Hamade Ziyabari Tajaddodi is not an influencer or has many followers, her relatives in Iran have received calls from someone who says that Hamades' father is untruthful and that they "should not urge the relative to listen to Hamades' 'untruth' or 'anything that is said about the Iranian regime'.

"I don't know who they are. It could be the security police," she says.

Hear more in the clip about how phone calls from unknown people can sound when they call relatives of regime critics.