Teller Report

Chaos record in March – never before have so many commuter trains been cancelled

4/8/2023, 9:13:16 AM

Highlights: March brought a new low for commuter trains – almost half of all departures did not go as they should. The reason is mainly the decision to abolish train attendants, but snowstorms also affected commuter train traffic during March. In March alone, SL received 7,688 applications for compensation and more are expected to come in. So far, more than SEK 2.6 million has been paid to passengers in delay compensation. The traffic regional councillor, Anton Fendert (MP), does not want to participate in an interview now.

March brought a new low for commuter trains – almost half of all departures did not go as they should.

Since the beginning of March, many commuter trains have been cancelled – affecting hundreds of thousands of passengers daily. Never before have so many trains been cancelled. The reason is mainly the decision to abolish train attendants, but snowstorms also affected commuter train traffic during March.

SVT Nyheter Södertälje has produced the figures that show how bad the situation has been. Of the 17,148 departures scheduled for March 2023, 7,526, 44 percent, did not go as planned.

Many taxi fares instead

Expenditure on delay compensation has also increased substantially. In March alone, SL received 7,688 applications for compensation and more are expected to come in. There is a backlog of numbers as many wait to send in their receipts. So far, more than SEK 2.6 million has been paid to passengers in delay compensation.

SVT has sought the traffic regional councillor, Anton Fendert (MP), who does not want to participate in an interview now.

Hear some of the travelers and watch as SVT's reporter summarizes the statistics in the video.