Teller Report

Vučić: Cyprus is trying to maintain neutrality between Russia and the West, but there is no guarantee that it will be the same in the future

4/7/2023, 1:49:17 PM

According to a report by the Russian News Agency on the 6th, Serbian President Vučić said in an interview with Serbian media that the Serbian government is trying its best to maintain neutrality between Russia and the West, but there is no guarantee that this can be done in the future. According to RIA Novosti, Vučić said on February 2 this year that Serbia may have to impose sanctions on Russia due to Western pressure on Serbia.

According to a report by the Russian News Agency on the 6th, Serbian President Vučić said in an interview with Serbian media that the Serbian government is trying its best to maintain neutrality between Russia and the West, but there is no guarantee that this can be done in the future. In this regard, the Russian newspaper "Moscow Komsomolsk" said that Vučić talked about the possibility of Serbia abandoning neutrality.

RIA Novosti reported that Vučić said in the interview that "until now we can still maintain independence and military neutrality." Serbia does not want to join the ranks of NATO countries, CSTO members and other countries. We can do that at the moment. As for whether we want to do the same in the future, I can't swear to you that it would be unrealistic, rash and irresponsible."

According to the report, Vučić said that Serbia is doing its best to adhere to the current policy. However, he added, "We are on the European path, we want to integrate into Europe, and we know how difficult the conditions are, especially in Kosovo, and we will talk about that later." But we can't do much without integration into Europe ... We don't have many options and we don't have a choice."

Since Russia launched a special military operation against Ukraine on February 2 last year, the EU has announced a number of sanctions against Russia, involving energy, finance and other fields. However, Serbia has always maintained its position of not joining the ranks of EU sanctions against Russia. Vučić said on August 24 last year that the Cypriot side does not consider changing its policy on the issue of sanctions against Russia. He also said that if the pressure that Serbia has received on the issue of sanctions against Russia for half a year is written into a book, it will be thicker than Marx's "Capital".

According to RIA Novosti, Vučić said on February 2 this year that Serbia may have to impose sanctions on Russia due to Western pressure on Serbia. Vučić believes that the moment when Serbia will be forced to do this will soon come, "let me delay as much as possible." I will not hide anything from the people." However, according to media reports, on the 11st of the same month, Serbian President Vučić, who was visiting Abu Dhabi, said in an interview with the media that Serbia has its own policy, serious, responsible, independent and autonomous, and is the only country in Europe that insists on not imposing sanctions on Russia. He said that Serbia's situation will become more and more difficult in terms of sanctions against Russia, but he believes that he can stick to his policy in the future.

(Source: Global Network)