Teller Report

The tips to sleep well from Vicente Mera, awarded as the best healthy aging doctor in Europe in 2021

4/7/2023, 8:58:46 AM

Every time we sleep less and worse. According to data from the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN), 48% of the adult population in Spain and 25% of children do not enjoy a...Every time we sleep less and worse. According to data from the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN),48% of the adult population in Spain and 25% of children do not enjoy quality sleep. At least 50% of Spaniards confess that they have problems falling asleep and 32% that they wake up with the feeling of not having had a restful sleep. Or, said to make it better understood: more than 12 million people

Every time we sleep less and worse. According to data from the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN),48% of the adult population in Spain and 25% of children do not enjoy quality sleep. At least 50% of Spaniards confess that they have problems falling asleep and 32% that they wake up with the feeling of not having had a restful sleep. Or, said to make it better understood: more than 12 million people in our country do not rest properly and more than four million suffer from some type of chronic and serious sleep disorder. But, despite all this, less than a third seek professional help to solve their problems.

As pointed out by the SEN, several studies carried out in Spain on this subject coincide in pointing out that this type of disorders are more frequent in women and in the older population: only 33% of Spanish women sleep, during the week, at least seven hours and more than 25% of the elderly have sleep problems. In addition, its impact on children and adolescents is especially worrying: at least 20% admit to not having regular sleep schedules and more than 30% consider that they do not sleep enough.

The subject brings them, as explained by Dr. Ana Fernández Arcos, coordinator of the Study Group of Disorders of Wakefulness and Sleep of the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN). "Sleep is essential for health. Adequate sleep is just as important as a correct diet or physical exercise. We know that sleep greatly influences memory and learning and also long-term brain health."

This specialist points out that there are several essential factors for good quality sleep. "First of all, you have to take into account the duration, which must be enough to be rested and alert the next day: adults should sleep between seven and nine hours a day; children over two years of age, more than 10 hours; and adolescents. at least eight."

On the other hand, we should be aware of "the regularity of the rest schedule according to our circadian rhythm or biological clock". And, finally, of "continuity, since sleep periods must be stable avoiding fragmentation, consisting of all its phases (especially NREM deep sleep and REM sleep) to be restorative. And, when any of these elements fail, we will no longer be resting properly."


Vicente Mera, head of Internal Medicine and healthy aging at SHA Wellness Clinic and sleep specialist (among many other things), emphasizes the importance of night's rest in our health and our daily lives. "In all life activities, the management of an adequate recovery is fundamental for the proper functioning of the system. Our muscular and brain capacities (especially attention and emotions) have a limit that, when crossed, can cause a serious deterioration of physiological efficiency. During the break, the operating system restarts (just like when a computer is reset) allowing it to work smoothly again."

Sleeping little, he explains, "means resting badly and not being well the next day. The worst thing is that this lifestyle will continue to be imposed to the limit that health allows. Maybe this is how we'll start losing longevity in the immediate future."

So not sleeping well ages?" Rest is not only related to quality of life, but also to longevity. There are studies with telomeres - one of the best biomarkers of longevity - that confirm this", confirms Dr. Mera.

And it makes you fat? "Being overweight, especially, is one of the main enemies of quality rest. People who are overweight even if they get enough sleep, do not rest because of the presence of snoring and apnea that decrease the quality of restful sleep."

How is the change of season and schedule affecting us now? "The adaptation period can last several weeks. During that time, daytime sleepiness and nocturnal insomnia may appear, with all that comes with lack of rest, emotional disturbances such as depression, anxiety or hyperactivity, and even loss of intellectual performance. There are people who are especially susceptible to change and many others who notice practically nothing."

After many years of experience helping SHA guests achieve their health goals, he says, "We've noticed that many often arrive with burnout, exhaustion, stress, brain fog, sleep problems, among others. When someone is exposed, continuously, to a high level of activity, stress, decision making, etc. it is key to monitor and take care of their health. While it is not always possible to control the factors that generate that stress, it is possible to have the right state and tools to react to this stress in the best way without sacrificing your health."

The 'small details', in this, matter a lot. "The main reason that prevents us from sleeping well is to go to bed late, after midnight. Other bad habits are: copious meals, exciting foods, alcohol and the many 'legal drugs' (anxiolytics, antidepressants and hypnotics) and illegal that are consumed today. The leisure offer is growing and more varied, but our days and nights still last 24 hours. The only possibility to enjoy that offer is by stealing hours of sleep. In addition, much of that leisure is done through electronic devices that emit radio frequency waves that could also interfere with the quality and quality of restful sleep."

Here are Mera's practical tips for dealing with these issues. "Establishing a good routine is fundamental. Plan a number of hours (not less than 40 hours per week and not more than 60 hours). Taking small naps and getting more sleep during the weekend than during weekdays can help achieve these goals. If there is overweight, in addition, it is essential to improve this parameter that is the one that best correlates (inversely proportional) with the quality of sleep. And, obviously, it is essential to avoid excitants and depressants, especially in the afternoon, such as coffee and alcohol."

The new rest system to 'clean' the organism of radiation


G. G. M.

It is more than proven that electromagnetic fields produced by Wi-Fi connections, antennas, mobile phones, tablets and other electronic devices – which are usually high frequency – increase the temperature of tissues, affect homeostatic systems such as immune, nervous and endocrine, accelerate aging and directly influence the quality and quantity of sleep. In search of that restorative 'truce' that our body needs to recover from daily wear and tear, SHA has just integrated three HOGO rest systems, a revolutionary concept that, according to its manufacturers, favors mental balance, reduces oxidative stress, promotes cell regeneration, improves the functionality of the immune system and reduces biomarkers of biological age. "The most important thing about HOGO is the patented graphite and silver mesh that, together with the grounding system, absorbs, channels and eliminates the radiation that the body has acquired throughout the day. In this system, other materials such as beech wood, merino wool, coconut fiber, 100% latex, cashmere and organic cotton are used, all of them assembled by hand. In addition, it is recommended to install the headboard facing north, according to the principles of feng shui, "explains Dr. Mera.

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