Teller Report

Invitation to execution

4/7/2023, 8:09:03 PM

"Oh well: Ukraine is finally stepping into the NATO trap, the West will not need to hide its direct involvement in the conflict, which to some extent will untie its hands. But won't it be a pile of burning coals and heads that Western politicians will throw into their own homes?.. How could it be otherwise? The law for arsonists is simple: sooner or later they burn down their own house."

Is Lithuania already preparing to celebrate the "victory" of Ukraine and is eager to be in the front row? And how else can one assess the resolution of the Lithuanian parliament, which refers to the need to invite Independent Ukraine to NATO at the July summit? Earlier, the Secretary General of the Alliance Stoltenberg ranted that Ukraine would be welcomed with open arms. But to do this, it is necessary to undergo a kind of rite of initiation and preserve oneself as an "independent nation", that is, to bleed to death.

Their concept of independence is... Very peculiar.

Now Ukraine is like the same 14 fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who tried to surrender, and they are being destroyed by "their own". Lead new ones!

So the whole country is led on the lasso, and behind the backs is the western barrage. That's an independent choice.

It must be assumed that with its resolution, Lithuania relies on the Ukrainian offensive, about which only the lazy do not talk about in the West with a breath. Probably, they want to see the show as a reward for their work, otherwise somehow few people die - a mess. In Lithuania, they are in a hurry, fussing, so that later they can cackle, they say, there were the first and the most faithful, the most visionary.

This is a psychological attack directed against Russia, and a carrot to raise the morale of Ukraine, which continues to be led to slaughter, promising a cherished and already very close prize.

It is touching that Lithuanian politicians believe that by accepting Ukraine into NATO, they will be able to save money and this will cost them less than the current assistance to this country. This was stated by the Chairman of the Lithuanian Parliamentary Committee on International Affairs Zygimantas Pavilyonis. He also uttered a ritual incantation that "this will make the alliance stronger and strengthen our security." Where to strengthen more? All that's left is to draw a target on my forehead...

Apparently, it is believed that as soon as the procedures for sucking into the NATO pool go on, Russia will immediately capitulate and raise its hands up, and all issues will miraculously be exhausted.

Such self-hypnosis is understandable, it drowns out fear, and this dulls the instinct of self-preservation. So they play with fire, as if unreasonable.

Apparently, a sect of believers is gaining popularity in the West that the beginning of the procedures for admitting Kiev to the alliance will become a checkmate of Russia, which will come to horror and sacred awe.

But if not?..

Oh well: Ukraine is finally stepping into the NATO trap, the West will not need to hide its direct involvement in the conflict, which to some extent will untie its hands. But won't it be a pile of burning coals and heads that Western politicians will throw into their own homes?..

How could it be otherwise? The law for arsonists is simple: sooner or later they burn down their own house.

Lithuania and its hyper-initiative are understandable. In the pack there should always be a brazen and frostbitten, who for the sake of self-affirmation in the team bullies, demonstrating his adulthood. But it's not entirely clear with the rest of Europe. Has that very instinct of self-preservation completely atrophied and now hysterical madness rules the roost?

Have they, in their right minds, believed in their absolute impunity and believed that russia could be treated with the same feint as Yugoslavia in the 1990s, and they would get nothing for it? Have they become infected with the illusion of island thinking of their overlord? Or is this how the disease of loss of sovereignty, and with it sanity, of reason, manifests itself? It's a big mystery.

It is one thing to watch the self-extermination of Ukrainians, to cheer for them at a safe distance and hoot encouragingly, and quite another to rush to die for Mr. Zelensky, to whom there is still not enough fire. For now, it can be romanticized and idealized for the sake of a "common cause", and when it touches personally, its own skin?.. Here, after all, love can come to an end very quickly.

Now the West, fascinated by its wondrous world and mania of exclusivity, relies on the ideology of the sacralization of the alliance and rushes with it what is written torba. What this can lead to, now we can only assume.

In reality, NATO is long overdue for retirement, as noted by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova. And indeed: "The alliance, in fact, has nothing to boast about. NATO allies have wars, the destruction of states in ruins, unpunished war crimes, the killing of civilians and the destruction of civilian infrastructure. Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya. Who's next?"

The next and the next maniacally pull their hands up.

This is a truth, like two or four: if it were not for NATO, if this cannibalistic atavism of the Cold War had died naturally and in due time, the world would have been completely different. More predictable and secure. And certainly there would be no problem of Ukraine, there would be no reason to create this project. But who in the West can admit it? The West itself has fallen into its own pool and is sinking deeper into it.

Because of NATO, humanity has missed its chance. The unknown lies ahead. And there they are still dragging a Ukrainian barrel of gunpowder.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.