Teller Report

Emmanuel Macron in China: why the results of the visit of the head of state are mixed

4/7/2023, 5:29:01 PM

Emmanuel Macron's three-day state visit to China just ended on Friday. Before leaving, the president treated himself to a crowd bath with Chinese students and spoke one last time with his counterpart Xi Jinping. If the Élysée welcomes this visit, the results remain rather mixed.

Arthur de Laborde (special envoy to China), edited by Gauthier Delomez with AFP 19:19 pm, April 07, 2023

Emmanuel Macron's three-day state visit to China just ended on Friday. Before leaving, the president treated himself to a crowd bath with Chinese students and spoke one last time with his counterpart Xi Jinping. If the Élysée welcomes this visit, the results remain rather mixed.

Three years after his last visit to China, Emmanuel Macron arrived Wednesday in the country with the ambition to revive relations with Beijing. The French head of state concluded his three-day state visit on Friday. During a final stop in Guangzhou, the president treated himself to a crowd bath with Chinese students, before exchanging with a thousand of them for 45 minutes in the prestigious Sun-Yat-sen University. He then met his counterpart Xi Jinping in the garden of the residence of the governor of Guangdong province, where the father of the Chinese president lived when he held this position from 1978 to 1981.

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Statements of principle on the war in Ukraine

In the end, the objective of this visit is fulfilled according to the Élysée. However, in terms of concrete progress, the results are more mixed. On the major issue of the war in Ukraine, it is clear that Emmanuel Macron has finally achieved little. Xi Jinping has stuck to statements of principle, evasively referring to "a resumption of peace talks as soon as possible", without ever questioning Russia's responsibility.

On the question of a possible delivery of weapons to Moscow, the Chinese president simply explained that it was not his war, without however making the commitment not to cross this course. Xi Jinping also said he was ready to call his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky for the first time, simply indicating that he would do so when the time comes.

Some economic success stories

Finally, on the economic front, some agreements have been signed, notably with Airbus. This Friday, the Helicopters branch of the European group concluded a major contract for 50 copies of its new H160 multi-mission helicopter with the Chinese lessor GDAT.

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The dialogue has therefore indeed been re-engaged, but apart from this success, it does not lead very far so far. Emmanuel Macron has in any case planned to return to the country next year. Xi Jinping has accepted the invitation to visit France but the date has not yet been set.