Teller Report

In the middle of the journey – woman threatened bus driver with tweezers and lighters in Kalmar

4/6/2023, 5:28:35 PM

A woman in her 30s is now being prosecuted at Kalmar District Court on suspicion of threatening a bus driver in Kalmar at the end of March. According to the prosecution, the woman, who was a passenger on the bus, threatened the driver with violence and took the bus driver's ID card. The woman claims in interrogation that she does not remember parts of the incident.

The woman is suspected of arbitrary conduct and two counts of threatening a public official.

Watch in the clip above the prosecution's main evidence in the case – the pictures from inside the bus.

Can't remember parts of the event

According to the indictment, the woman allegedly threatened that the woman's relatives and friends would seek out the bus driver if something happened to her. Something that the woman later in questioning does not remember and therefore cannot take a position on.

The woman confesses to the sequence of events described by the prosecutor but denies the crime. She says in interrogation that she can neither admit nor deny the verbal threats because she does not remember parts of the incident.

Threatened to burn the driver's beard

Meanwhile, the woman allegedly held a lighter 20 centimetres from the driver's beard, while pulling on the driver's tie and holding tweezers in her hand.

"She admits that she kept a lighter under her beard, but not that it was lit," prosecutor Nathalie Ohman said.

Police were called to the bus depot and the woman was later carried off the bus. The bus driver did not suffer any injuries.

Parts of the sequence of events were captured on film

Parts of the sequence of events were captured on film by surveillance cameras. In total, there are just over an hour and a half of recorded material.

SVT has taken note of a 4-minute edited version that prosecutors will bring to the district court as evidence.