Teller Report

Gabon: the revision of the Constitution recorded by the Parliament meeting in Congress

4/6/2023, 9:59:24 PM

The deputies and senators meeting in Congress adopted by an overwhelming majority the new revised Constitution. This revision follows the holding of a political consultation last February...Gabon: the revision of the Constitution recorded by the Parliament meeting in Congress Gabonese President Ali Bongo addresses his country's deputies in Parliament, June 2021. (Illustrative image) AFP - WEYL LAURENT Text by: RFI Follow 1 min The deputies and senators meeting in Congress adopted by an overwhelming majority the new revised Constitution. This revision follows the holding last February

Gabon: the revision of the Constitution recorded by the Parliament meeting in Congress

Gabonese President Ali Bongo addresses his country's deputies in Parliament, June 2021. (Illustrative image) AFP - WEYL LAURENT

Text by: RFI Follow

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The deputies and senators meeting in Congress adopted by an overwhelming majority the new revised Constitution. This revision follows the holding last February of a political consultation between the majority and the opposition. Parliament has moved very quickly, as the new provisions of the Constitution will be implemented in the general elections (presidential, legislative and local) scheduled before the end of the year.


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With our correspondent in Libreville, Yves-Laurent Goma

"Mission accomplished" is how the President of the National Assembly, Faustin Boukoubi, ended the congress that brought together deputies and senators to adopt the new Constitution.


I think we have filled up our votes, says Luc Oyoubi, senator of the majority. We got 178 "for", so we are very satisfied. Everyone was very disciplined.


Out of 198 voters, only 8 voted no. Among them, Albertine Maganga Moussavou, MP of the opposition. "For us, things were biased from the start. The objective that makes it possible to avoid the aftermath of the crisis is the improvement of the electoral system. This aspect has been annihilated. So we do not see the point of giving any guarantee to what has been done and decided.


The main changes to the Constitution are the harmonization of all political mandates at 5 years. That of the President of the Republic goes from 7 to 5. That of senators aged 6 to 5. And all mandates are renewable at will. The 2nd round of the presidential election was abolished.

[#DIRECT] National Assembly

— GROUPE GABON TELEVISIONS (@gabon1ere) April 6, 2023

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