Teller Report

Can deprive parental rights: trash-streamer from the Ivanovo region was detained on suspicion of torturing his daughter

4/6/2023, 5:18:44 PM

In the Ivanovo region, 33-year-old blogger Dmitry Serov was detained. Earlier, a video of a trash stream circulated on the network, in which Serov beats and brings his daughter to tears. A criminal case has been initiated on the fact of torturing a minor, a man can also be deprived of parental rights. As RT found out, Serov in the past was prosecuted several times for driving drunk, and his second wife said that he repeatedly beat her.

In the city of Kokhma, Ivanovo region, 33-year-old thrash streamer Dmitry Serov was detained, who hit his underage daughter on the air.

"He is suspected of committing a crime under paragraph "d" of Part 2 of Article 117 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (torture against a minor). It was established that in one of the videos a man uses physical violence against his daughter, "the Investigative Committee for the Ivanovo Region said in a statement.

As noted in the department, now investigative actions are being carried out with the man.

The situation has also been taken under control by the Children's Rights Commissioner of the Ivanovo Region. As the children's ombudsman Tatyana Okeanskaya told RT, the blogger may be deprived of parental rights. The question of restriction or deprivation of rights can be raised as soon as the fact of ill-treatment is proved.

Serov held a thrash stream with the participation of his underage daughter about a year ago. However, the video from there has spread on social networks only now. In a fragment of the posted stream, in particular, the man first strikes the girl, and when she begins to cry, saying that she is in pain and that she went home, he holds her by force and repeats: "You can't do this."

At the same time, another video with the participation of Dmitry Serov spread on the network. There, the blogger, in particular, says that he is a "pedophile finished." This video also drew the attention of Ivanovo investigators. In addition, the blogger himself in one of his broadcasts claimed that he "rolled on a minor for rape."

Now Serov has 915 thousand subscribers on his YouTube channel. Dmitry Serov began his career with the creation of the YouTube channel "I want to devour TV" in 2016, when there was no question of any trash streams. Together with his friend Yaroslav, they prepared and filmed the process.

The first six months of the channel's existence, they uploaded harmless videos with simple and delicious recipes, and then discovered a new genre for themselves - "What a man is ready for 300 rubles" for. In the issues, they offered the homeless, alcoholics and other marginals for 300 rubles to perform various tasks: eat live fish, or three lemons, drink a bottle of ketchup. Having gained 30 thousand subscribers, Dmitry and Yaroslav decide to conduct trash streams.

The best hour of bloggers came after the stream about how the homeless uncle Yura lives. Dmitry and Yaroslav decided to arrange a collection among subscribers. They managed to collect 80 thousand rubles, which made it possible to provide Uncle Yura with housing and food for six months. Then the number of subscribers to the channel of streamers exceeded 70 thousand. Bloggers decided to continue filming about the life of Uncle Yura, to help him overcome alcohol addiction, to give a chance for socialization and earnings. However, then Dmitry and Yaroslav came to the conclusion that Uncle Yura was incorrigible, and stopped filming him, and soon Serov began to make a solo career as a blogger.

Beating his wife and drunk driving

In 2017, when Serov had 170,<> subscribers on his YouTube channel, he began dating Natalia Kozlova. A year and a half later, the couple signed. For Dmitry it was the second marriage, the daughter was born in the first marriage. Natalia and Dmitry periodically conducted trash streams together, and, judging by the video, the woman on some broadcasts was in a state of intoxication and was lying on the floor.

In 2020, Natalia posted a single stream in which she spoke about her husband. According to the woman, she had to go to another city because she was afraid that Dmitry would threaten her.

"I wrote about bruises, about my eyes, a lot of things. Dima broke my nose right in the taxi, I had an operation to reposition the bones of the nose. I was in the hospital for five days. At two o'clock in the morning, Dima burst into the room and forced him to go home with threats. And one day Dima twisted my knee in a drunken frenzy. One day he came home drunk and threw his phone at me. He broke my finger - an intra-articular fracture, "she lists on the air and demonstrates X-rays.

According to Natalia, she wrote a complaint to the prosecutor's office, but was refused consideration.

At the same time, Dmitry Serov was brought to administrative responsibility for drunken driving several times: in 2013, 2017 and 2019. In the materials of the courts there is a characteristic of a man: he has no previous convictions, is not registered anywhere, is married. "It is characterized satisfactorily, does not abuse alcoholic beverages, there have been no complaints from neighbors about behavior," the decision of the Oktyabrsky District Court of the city of Ivanovo in the case of 2019 says. - His wife is described as a kind, sympathetic man, a good husband and father; he is actively engaged in charity."

Recall that the activities of thrash streamers for several years want to limit legally. Thus, the Committee on Youth Policy of the State Duma has developed a bill according to which thrash streaming can become an aggravating circumstance in the commission of a crime.

"If a person, committing a crime, also seeks to achieve maximum coverage of the audience, he increases the damage caused, respectively, the punishment should also be stricter," explained the head of the committee Artem Metelev. It is also proposed to amend the Criminal Code of Russia, involving punishment and fines of up to a million rubles for the distribution of photos and videos on the network showing scenes of cruelty.