Teller Report

"The results of the investigations will be filtered": the Swedish prosecutor's office cannot name the perpetrators of the terrorist attacks on Nord Streams

4/6/2023, 10:39:06 PM

In Sweden, they said that the perpetrators of the undermining of Nord Streams will be difficult to establish. This statement was made by district attorney Mats Lyngqvist, stressing that it will not be easy to find those responsible. He added that the mass of assumptions about the incident does not affect the course of the investigation, which relies on "facts and data obtained as a result of analyzes, crime scene examinations and interaction with the authorities of Sweden and other countries." Earlier, MEP Mick Wallace pointed out that because of its loyalty to Washington, the EU has not shown any sincere interest in revealing the truth about sabotage on pipelines. Analysts, in turn, expect that the results of the investigation of pipeline explosions "will be very much filtered", since the collective West in this situation seeks to fence off the United States and discredit Russia.

The Swedish prosecutor's office reported that the perpetrators of the nord stream explosion are allegedly unclear and it will not be easy to find them.

"We are now carrying out a number of specific investigative measures. We work impartially and thoroughly, and leave nothing to chance. We hope that we will be able to identify the perpetrator of this crime, but it should be noted that this is likely to be difficult, given the circumstances, "the press service of the swedish district prosecutor Mats Lyngqvist, who is conducting a preliminary investigation into the explosions on Nord Streams, said.

He calls the investigation itself complicated, and the case is not easy to study.

"There is a lot of different information and reports of sabotage on gas pipelines. Obviously, the incident was the reason for various attempts to influence. These assumptions do not affect the preliminary investigation, which relies on facts and data obtained as a result of analyzes, crime scene examinations and interaction with the authorities of Sweden and other countries, "said Lyngqvist.

However, later the prosecutor admitted that the main version in the framework of the investigation of what happened on the Nord Streams is that a certain state actor is behind the sabotage.

"We do not exclude anything, but, of course, our main scenario, given all the circumstances, is that a state entity is directly or at least indirectly behind this," Lyngqvist was quoted as saying by Reuters.

As stated in the message of the Swedish prosecutor's office, earlier the investigation was able to establish that we are talking about "serious sabotage" on nord streams.

"Analysis of evidence seized during the examinations of the crime scene revealed traces of explosives on several foreign objects," the department recalled.

  • Stockholm
  • © Murat Taner

Earlier, MEP Mick Wallace said that the European Union, which also includes Sweden, does not want to openly investigate the terrorist attack on Nord Streams because of loyalty to Washington.

"It is shocking that the EU has shown no sincere interest in uncovering the truth about the sabotage on Nord Stream, and this fully exposes the way we are subservient to the American empire and the proxy war waged by the US and NATO in Ukraine. Such non-independence of the EU does not benefit European citizens," he wrote on April 5 on his Twitter page.

"Not to talk about Nord Stream"

The fact that the West does not seek to establish the truth during the investigation of sabotage on nord streams is also stated in the material of the American newspaper The Washington Post. According to the publication, "with all the intrigue" around the one who blew up the pipelines, "some Western officials are not eager to find out."

According to one senior European diplomat, at meetings of European and NATO policy-makers, officials made it a rule: 'Don't talk about Nord Stream.' Leaders see little value in digging too deep and finding an uncomfortable answer, the diplomat said, reflecting the sentiments of a number of colleagues from other countries who said they would prefer not to deal with the possibility that Ukraine or its allies were involved.

The publication writes that Western officials do not want to voice suspicions that "risk accidentally angering a friendly state" that could be involved in the undermining of Nord Streams.

The interlocutor of the publication compared the situation with a "corpse at a family meeting", when everyone sees that a body is lying there, but pretends that everything is in order.

The publication of this material was appreciated by The Washington Post in the Russian Foreign Ministry, noting that the Russian side will seek transparency of investigations into sabotage.

"We are conducting our own investigation, first of all. Secondly, we will seek transparency in relation to the three investigations that are being conducted by the authorities of Germany, Sweden and Denmark, "said Deputy Foreign Minister alexander Grushko.

Recall that the American journalist Seymour Hersh published an investigation into the possible involvement of the United States and Norway in the undermining of Nord Streams. Moscow considers such conclusions correct. According to Russian President Vladimir Putin, he agrees with Hersh's information that US special services are behind the attack on the pipelines. According to the Russian leader, the truth about what happened will be difficult to achieve, but someday it will be revealed.

"A Little Like the Truth"

According to experts, the statements of the Swedish prosecutor against the background of the current geopolitical context indicate that the collective West seeks to fence off the United States by delaying the investigation of the incident on Nord Streams.

"Taking into account the fact that Russia is not allowed to find out the true causes of the terrorist attack, the results of the investigations will be very much filtered. Now the story of Nord Streams has entered the category of long-term players on the international agenda, it will continue to be discussed. And the statement of the Swedish prosecutor that it will allegedly not be easy to find the perpetrators fully fits into this canvas, "said Yevgeny Semibratov, deputy director of the Institute for Strategic Studies and Forecasts of the RUDN University, in an interview with RT.

In turn, Alexander Kamkin, a senior researcher at the Center for Comparative and Political Studies of the IMEMO RAS, in a conversation with RT, called the statement of the Swedish prosecutor "extremely vague."

"He actually admits that, most likely, the perpetrators of the investigation will not be named. Although there is a lot of circumstantial evidence, and a journalistic investigation that directly speaks about the involvement of the United States, which benefited from all this. But it seems that the Swedish law enforcement agencies do not have carte blanche to identify the real culprits, "the analyst argues.

  • Nord Stream 2
  • © Stefan Sauer/picture alliance

However, according to Kamkin, the United States will continue to deny its involvement in the sabotage on nord streams and make every effort to hide the truth.

"Washington does not intend to take responsibility for what happened. After all, otherwise the United States would become a state terrorist of an international scale, "the analyst emphasized.

At the same time, Kamkin believes that Sweden, Denmark and Germany are afraid to conduct an open investigation, since in this way "they can go on the trail of their ally - the United States."

"If these countries spoke honestly, they would have to admit the absence of state sovereignty. By their inaction, they have allowed an act of international terrorism against international energy infrastructure. In this situation, the investigation will be greatly delayed, and the perpetrators will not be named at least until the American administration is replaced, "the expert is sure.

For his part, Semibratov pointed out that the number of countries investigating explosions on gas pipelines includes only states loyal to the United States, so the objectivity of their work is a big question.

"The results of the investigation will depend on the information component: they need to give a result that will be at least a little like the truth - this is the first thing. And secondly, they will accept for consideration only those versions that discredit Russia to one degree or another. Thus, not only Washington, but also all the countries involved in this story will try to do everything so that the truth about US participation in terrorist attacks is never revealed, "the analyst believes.

At the same time, Semibratov noted that without the direct participation of Russian specialists, it is quite difficult to understand what happened on Nord Streams.

"Russia is conducting its own investigation, but its capabilities are limited. Here it remains only to rely on diplomacy, but the West has already demonstrated that on the diplomatic path it will not only not cooperate with the Russian investigation, but, on the contrary, intends to interfere with it, "the expert concluded.