Teller Report

There were problems with the law: what is known about the detained after the murder of the military officer Daria Trepova

4/3/2023, 2:19:20 PM

Daria Trepova, who was detained on suspicion of involvement in the murder, was a supporter of FBK*, according to the National Anti-Terrorist Committee. As RT found out, earlier the girl was brought to justice for participating in actions in support of FBK. In addition, according to media reports, she transferred voluntary donations to the extremist organization. During the interrogation, Trepova stated that she was detained for "staying at the scene of the murder of Vladlen Tatarsky." According to the NAC, the terrorist attack in St. Petersburg was organized by the Ukrainian special services.

The terrorist attack against military officer Vladlen Tatarsky was planned by The Ukrainian special services, according to the National Anti-Terrorist Committee of Russia.

As noted in the department, to carry out the attack, the organizers attracted agents "from among the persons cooperating with the Anti-Corruption Foundation* Navalny", a supporter of which was the detained Daria Trepova.

Earlier, RT told about the underground network that the extremist organization FBK, headed by the oppositionist Leonid Volkov, managed to create in Russia. According to RT sources, as of the spring of 2023, several thousand recruited people are participating in the underground.

26-year-old Daria Trepova was detained in St. Petersburg on April 3. This is reported by the Investigative Committee of Russia.

The girl has been wanted since last night, she was put on the federal wanted list. According to the source of RT, the suspect was detained in the area of the metro station "Parnas". She had tickets to Uzbekistan with her.

Earlier, security forces conducted searches in apartments associated with Trepova. Several people from her entourage were interviewed.

On the evening of April 2, an explosion occurred in a cafe on the University Embankment Street Food Bar No. 1. At this time, a creative evening of the military commander Vladlen Tatarsky was held there. According to a preliminary version, the explosive device was hidden in a statuette, which was handed to the journalist by one of the participants of the evening - Daria Trepova.

According to eyewitnesses, towards the end of the event, the girl said that she was an artist and wanted to give Tatar a statuette that she made herself. One of the visitors to the evening told RT that the military commander recognized Trepova and greeted her. Five to ten minutes after that, there was an explosion.

Vladlen Tatarsky died on the spot. He was 40 years old. According to the latest data, a total of 32 people were injured.

Supported by FBK

As RT found out, Daria Trepova was born in St. Petersburg and was engaged in painting - she graduated from an art school in the city of Pushkin. She also received a diploma from the Faculty of Economics of St. Petersburg State University.

Over the past four years, Trepova's parents have accumulated large debts for utility bills. The debt together with penalties is 177,315 rubles plus an execution fee of 12.4 thousand rubles.

The girl herself also had problems with the law due to participation in unauthorized rallies. So, in early 2021, she was detained at rallies in support of the FBK. Izvestia, citing anonymous sources, reports that the girl transferred voluntary donations to the extremist organization.

On February 24 last year, Trepova participated in rallies against a special operation in Ukraine, she was detained and brought to administrative responsibility (Part 1 of Article 20.2.2 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation). The court sentenced her to administrative arrest for ten days.

In social networks, the girl is in at least two groups related to alcoholism and drug addiction, and was also interested in the topic of oncology and LGBT.

On Twitter, Trepova kept an account under the nickname Dasha Tykovka. Two days after the announcement of partial mobilization, she announced that she had consciously decided to stay in Russia and not go abroad.

"Go, go abroad, and I will rot here, fertilize the land. You'll be back in a couple of years — in my place, you'll crunch the most poured apples. It's a conscious choice," she added.

In addition, the girl admitted that she often thinks about suicide, but learns to deal with it.

"I think about suicide 20 to 150 times a day," she wrote on Oct. 7 last year. "I've learned how to deal with it... When it comes, I think if I want to, I'll do it tomorrow... And by tomorrow, I usually don't want to."

Trepova was married to Dmitry Rylov, a member of the Libertarian Party and a signatory of the Freedom of Navalny movement. Together with her, he participated in the so-called smart voting. Now the man is hiding abroad from partial mobilization.

Daria's acquaintances told reporters that her marriage to Rylov was most likely fictitious. According to them, "the wedding was for the sake of a joke", the young people did not maintain contact.

Rylov said that he was not aware of what Daria had been doing lately. At the same time, he stressed that the girl herself "would never have been able to do something like this of her own free will," referring to participation in a terrorist attack.

In a comment to SVTV News, the man said Trepova considered "such actions" unacceptable. He thinks that the girl did not understand what exactly the statuette that she handed to the military officer was for.

"Just used and framed"

According to RT, for a long time Trepova worked in a vintage store in St. Petersburg. But a few months ago, she quit her job and went to Moscow. In the capital, the girl registered as an individual entrepreneur in the fields of clothing production, buying and selling her own real estate and working in the field of computer technology.

Trepova's acquaintances say that a few days ago she reappeared in St. Petersburg and announced that she would soon leave the country. At the same time, she called different cities to different people from her entourage, including Tbilisi and Kiev.

According to law enforcers, Trepova stayed in the apartment of her friend on Vasilyevsky Island. The network published her correspondence with a close friend, to whom Trepova told that she was going to fly out of the country, and invited her to spend at Pulkovo airport.

According to media reports, a couple of hours after the explosion, Daria's friend and her mother were interviewed by investigators. The women said that they did not notice anything suspicious in the girl's behavior, and in her apartment, where she was staying, attention was attracted only by a few busts similar to the one that she gave to Tatarsky.

Trepova's friend said she last saw her on the morning of April 2, when they had breakfast together. During the day, the girls corresponded on everyday topics. When in the evening it became known about the suspicions against Daria, a friend wrote to her. She replied that she had been framed: "I could have died there, it would have been better if I had died there, I was framed."

The media, citing law enforcement officers, report that Trepova said the same during the detention. The girl allegedly screamed that she was "just used and framed."

In a video of the interrogation published by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the girl says that she was detained for "staying at the scene of the murder of Vladlen Tatarsky."

The Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) is included in the register of NGOs performing the functions of a foreign agent by the decision of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated 09.10.2019. The organization is recognized as extremist, its activities are banned in Russia by the decision of the Moscow City Court of 09.06.2021.

** Included in the register of individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent by the decision of the Ministry of Justice of russia dated 22.04.2022.