Teller Report

Årjängselever builds stoves for Ukraine

3/20/2023, 1:10:14 PM

On the anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the municipality of Årjäng decided to enlist the help of adult students and make a difference for those in need in Ukraine. "We know what it's like to be at war, so it feels good to help others," says Iyad Al Awad, a student in the adult education industry program.

Before coming to Sweden, he worked with logistics in different countries. Iyad Al Awad can speak six languages. English, Arabic, Chinese, some Ukrainian, Indian and over time he learns more and more Swedish.

"We are happy that we have been given the opportunity, but at the same time sad that we need to do this," says Iyad Al Awad.

Local resources in charity

Årjäng municipality sold a number of generators and decided to reinvest the money for a good purpose. The municipality contacted the adult education of the industrial program, to hear about the students, could consider collaborating on the project. Now they are building stoves for Ukraine.

"Welding, production technology and manufacturing documentation are different parts of the existing education and here we get it into a practical part where we do something important that is needed for others," says Lars-Erik Lennartsson, who is a teacher at the industrial program.

The materials and components for the ovens have been produced by local companies and the 100 stoves are almost ready. Only three remain to be completed and with the students' current pace, everything should be ready to be sent tomorrow Tuesday.

In the clip, you can see students describe what it's like to work on the project.