Teller Report

"We are not bandits": Elise Lucet's cash response to Eric Dupond-Moretti's criticism of his work

3/17/2023, 10:19:31 AM

Elise Lucet was invited on the set of " C to you" Thursday, March 16, 2023 on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of his show that has become unavoidable: " Cash investigation". The journalist took the opportunity to defend her investigative work, already criticized by Justice Minister Eric Dupond-Moretti.

Solène Delinger 11:09 am, March 17, 2023

Elise Lucet was invited on the set of "C à vous" Thursday, March 16, 2023 on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of her show that has become unavoidable: "Cash investigation". The journalist took the opportunity to defend her investigative work, already criticized by Justice Minister Eric Dupond-Moretti.

Elise Lucet will always defend her work body and soul. The journalist of France 2, whose success has soared with Cash investigation, was invited on the set of C à vous Thursday, March 16, 2023 to talk about her interviews and investigations on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of her show.

"Is it Cash investigation or Trash investigation?"

Since the birth of the program, Elise Lucet has conducted 234 interviews with top bosses and executives. And, nearly a third gave rise to unforgettable chases that forever changed the image of the journalist. These methods have earned him some criticism, including a very sharp one from the Minister of Justice Éric Dupond-Moretti, in February 2019, on the set of C à vous opposite Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine. "Is it Cash investigation or Trash investigation? Would you accept, Mrs Lemoine, who defends journalists from being recorded with a hidden camera? In terms of efficiency it is magnificent but I repeat that it is forbidden to the national police of our country and I personally do not want to be recorded without my knowledge with a hidden camera, "said the Keeper of the Seals.

"We are not brigands"

The main interested party, she does not regret anything about her 59 explosive investigations. "It may be forbidden to the police but it is allowed for the press; there are laws that are hyperprecise on this and when indeed the work we do and of general interest and we have no other solutions to show a situation that will reveal things that are essential, we are within the framework of the law, "she responded to the minister Thursday, March 16, 2023 in C à vous. The journalist then criticized him with a touch of irony: "Mr. Dupond-Moretti necessarily knows it, he who is a brilliant lawyer who makes sleeve effects as he did by saying trash investigation, but he necessarily knows it. We are within the framework of the law, we are not bandits, we are not brigands, otherwise we would have been convicted."