Teller Report

Suspicion of tax evasion of 49 million yen in corporate tax Suspected painting company in Yokohama Tokyo Regional Taxation Bureau

3/15/2023, 3:24:17 AM

[NHK] The representative of a painting company in Yokohama City was accused by the Tokyo Regional Taxation Bureau of evading corporate tax of about 49 million yen by posting fictitious expenses...

The representative of a painting company in Yokohama City was accused by the Tokyo Regional Taxation Bureau of evading corporate tax of about 49 million yen by recording fictitious expenses.

The accused are Sanyo Tech, a painting company in Asahi Ward, Yokohama City, and Shoichi Kamata, 59, the representative of this company.

According to people involved, this company undertakes painting work for the exterior walls of houses and pedestrian bridges ordered by the city of Yokohama, etc., and is increasing sales. It means that there is a suspicion that you pretended to be less.

The inspection department of the Tokyo Regional Taxation Bureau has been sued by the Yokohama District Public Prosecutor's Office on suspicion of violating the corporate tax law, alleging that the company and its representative hid approximately 190 million yen in income and evaded approximately 49 million yen in taxes over the three years until the July term last year. accusation.

It is said that Mr. Kamata used the illegally obtained funds to purchase a luxury foreign car for investment purposes.

In an interview with NHK, Kamata's lawyer said that he had completed all payments, including additional taxation, after acknowledging that he had been investigated by the Tokyo Regional Taxation Bureau.