Teller Report

Name change of the former Unification Church Filed a lawsuit against the government seeking disclosure of administrative documents

3/15/2023, 3:54:07 AM

[NHK] When a university professor in Kobe City requested that a government document describing the history of the former Unification Church's name change eight years ago be released, most of it...

When a university professor in Kobe requested that government documents describing the history of the former Unification Church's name change eight years ago be disclosed, most of them were not disclosed. I filed a lawsuit to the Osaka District Court.

Professor Hiroyuki Kamiwaki of Kobe Gakuin University said that when he requested the Agency for Cultural Affairs to release information last year about the administrative document describing how the former Unification Church changed its name to the "Family Federation for World Peace and Unification" eight years ago, he said, "Frankly, Most of them were not disclosed because there is a risk that the exchange of opinions and the neutrality of decision-making may be unduly impaired.

In addition, regarding the application form of the former Unification Church, the reason for the name change was blacked out, saying, ``There is a risk of harming the rights, competitive position, and interests of the corporation.''

Professor Kamiwaki has filed a lawsuit with the Osaka District Court to request the disclosure of these documents, arguing that no specific reason for non-disclosure was given and that the government's response was illegal.

At a press conference, Professor Kamiwaki said, "Because the name change makes it difficult to recognize that it is the former Unification Church, and there is a risk that the damage will continue, the government has to disclose it and fulfill its accountability." I was.

On the other hand, the Religious Affairs Division of the Agency for Cultural Affairs said, "We are not aware of the details, so we cannot comment."