Teller Report

Madonna: the unexpected side effect of her love for boxing

3/15/2023, 1:24:26 AM

Madonna is pure passion. There are no miraculous tales worth explaining her permanently excited brain, but there is one clue: boxing. This sport has become for the...

  • How Madonna has revolutionized fashion to become an icon


is pure passion.

There are no miraculous tales worth explaining her permanently excited brain, but there is one clue:


This sport has become an infallible invigorator for the queen of pop and she has served her the greatest elixir of youth that can exist on a silver platter: love.

After a three-year romance with

Ahlamalik Williams,

a 28-year-old dancer, and a brief affair with model

Andrew Darnell,

23, she has fallen in love with boxer

Josh Popper,

29, and trainer to one of her six children.

His admirable way of falling in love, almost always following the same pattern of a young man and an athlete, obeys one of the simplest laws of attraction.


Gregorio Marañón

summed it up by saying that every mortal loves in this life, not what he wants, but what he can.

Madonna, who is preparing 'The Celebration Tour' with which she will celebrate her 40-year musical career, unleashes madness on stage at the age of 64.

How many men could have the same desire, capacity and vital need?

These are the concepts on which, according to the psychologist

Antonio Bolinche,

sexual attraction is built and, therefore, what will have facilitated a good understanding with

Josh Popper,

her new love.

This young boxer trains at the Bredwinners gym in New York, and in 2020 he opened a more modest one on the third floor of a Manhattan building, very close to the Empire State Building.

His face was already known before dating Madonna, as he participated in the last season of the reality show

'Summer House',

a kind of Big Brother in which nine friends share a summer house.

Madonna already boxed before

He is not his

direct coach, but they do have


in common


It's one of the disciplines that the singer integrated into her routine

a long time ago

and she owes a good part of her elasticity, flexibility and that physical and mental power with which she goes on stage.

In 2019, she posted a video on her Instagram account in which she appeared doing some boxing movements and then sat in a tub with ice and water and practiced stretching.

A great way to ensure good circulation and smooth skin.

The artist undergoes

very intense training

that explains her heart-stopping physique after 60. Preparing her requires

absolute dedication

and not all personal trainers have been up to the task.

Craig Smith,

who was one of them for more than two years, has declared that her only secret to staying forever young, in body and spirit, is her unwavering willpower.

She trains six days a week combining cardio, endurance, flexibility, strength, stretching, and meditation.



boxing are an important part of her training, essential to cover the work


all her muscles.

Madonna's strict diet



is equally



He eats six very frugal meals a day and his favorite juice is watermelon.

Grab organic protein bars, plenty of fruits and vegetables, and grains.

With these small portions that she takes regularly, Madonna keeps her metabolism in check and replenishes her energy throughout the day.


is making more women around the world fall in love every day


It allows you to burn a good number of calories, define muscles, exercise the heart and, practiced regularly,

increases resistance,

coordination and speed.

It is a high-intensity sport and every muscle

is exercised with it ,

so it is not surprising that after a few months of training the results can already be seen.

The body is modeled, but without adding too much volume.

Love called your ring (riiiing)

Madonna has added

love to her benefits.

If the relationship continues, it wouldn't be strange to see her in the


wearing combat gloves and mitts

practicing punches with him.

The boxer has already shared an image with her next to the ring, in addition to her first kiss on her networks.

This is not the first time that she has fallen in love with a physical trainer.

Between routine and routine, the singer charmed the father of her daughter

De ella Lola

De ella,

Carlos León,

her personal trainer in the mid-nineties.

Trainers know better than anyone the art and chemistry of building trust and getting someone to succumb to their charms.

It is not an intentional scam, but simple biology.

Exercise releases


, the neurotransmitter that, in addition to reducing the perception of pain, turns us on and is responsible for our hooking on the person next to us.


also releases


, known as the

love hormone,


disinhibits us to live passion in a crazy and unbridled way.

Its peak is even higher in contact disciplines, such as boxing.

Added to this state of happiness is serotonin, which is responsible for our altered mood.

It also happens in the dance.

As an example, his courtship with


one of the dancers who accompanied him on his 'Madame X' tour.

Jennifer Lopez, Mariah Carey


Britney Spears

are other artists who, like her, have starred in loud flirtations with her dancers.

This chemical cocktail is exclusive in the first stage of falling in love, so intense that no organism could prolong a lifetime.

Time will tell if Madonna and Josh Popper will take the step to this new stage that will strengthen a

more serene love.

What is clear is that the idyll has changed the course of a year that had not started too well for her.

Added to her break with

model Darnell

was the loss of her older brother,

Anthony Ciccone,

on February 25.

A few weeks ago, he also had to submit to harsh scrutiny on

social networks

because of the


with which he appeared after an aesthetic operation on his face.

"We live in a world that refuses to celebrate women over the age of 45 and feels the need to punish them if they continue to be leading, hard-working, and adventurous women," she denounced.

Oblivious to everything, the artist enjoys and celebrates life without stopping.

She has made that that love has no barriers or age sounds like any banal phrase, too hackneyed.

In her it is something so congruent that it should not even attract attention.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Madonna