Teller Report

How to break the "serial meter" of automatic renewal? Experts come to help! - Chinanews video

3/15/2023, 6:36:58 AM

How to break the "serial meter" of automatic renewal? Experts come to help!

  [Explanation] I can't find the automatic renewal entrance, and I haven't paid in the app, but I found out that I have paid the annual fee for two years...Recently, many consumers have reported the automatic renewal function of some apps on the Internet There are traps in it, and there are problems such as setting obstacles for consumers to cancel automatic renewal.

On the occasion of the "315" International Consumer Rights Day, the reporter interviewed consumers who had similar experiences.

  [Concurrent] Consumer@小晨

  At that time, it was a software for recharging (watching) a film and television drama, because at that time I just wanted to be a member to watch that drama, but after one month ended, it was automatically renewed for the next month. I was quite angry at the time.

Because most people may think that the fee of 10 yuan or 20 yuan may be relatively small, so I reluctantly found the automatic renewal button (in the App) and turned it off. At that time, I was ( not pursued).

  [Same period] Consumer@一咻

  I have been a member of a video platform before, but after using it, I feel that the experience is very poor, because it has too many advertisements, and then I want to cancel the automatic renewal, but the option to turn it off is hidden deep.

  [Explanation] It is easy for consumers to "enter the pit", but it is difficult to "get out of the pit".

A consumer said that many apps have set up unsubscribe barriers in the automatic renewal, and the unsubscribe entry is mostly in the second and third level setting pages, so it is not easy to cancel the renewal.

  [Same period] Consumer@一咻

  When it deducted the fee, I was looking for the option to cancel the automatic renewal, but after searching for a long time, it was difficult to find, and then I saw the deduction notice, and I was very disgusted when I saw it.

  [Concurrent] Consumer@小晨

  When I want to cancel the renewal, I find that I need to open the APP, go to at least the second and third-level pages, specifically click on the member center, and then go to the sub-column below, there may be cancellation of renewal.

Or you can go to the interface where you paid, and then go to the payment settings to cancel, anyway, it is quite troublesome.

  [Explanation] Purchasing App members is originally to obtain a better user experience, but it brings a series of troubles to consumers.

How to protect consumer rights in online consumption?

The reporter interviewed relevant experts on this issue, and the experts said that there are clear provisions on this in the "Consumer Protection Law" and "Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Online Transactions".

  [Concurrent] Zhao Zhan, a researcher at the Intellectual Property Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, a lawyer from Beijing Yunjia Law Firm

  One is that the "Consumer Protection Law" stipulates that consumers have the right to know and the right to choose independently.

The so-called right to know means that he must have a clear understanding of the performance, price, model, etc. of the product or service he wants to buy.

Then on this basis, make an independent choice whether to buy or not.

At the same time, in accordance with the provisions of the "Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Online Transactions", (online transaction operators) should also remind consumers in a prominent way 5 days before automatic renewal and automatic extension, and within the service period, they should also provide Visible and easy way for consumers to cancel or change options at any time.

  [Explanation] Experts remind that if a consumer is selected to automatically renew without knowing it, and there is no obvious way to notify the consumer before the expiration, the consumer can complain to the relevant department.

  [Concurrent] Zhao Zhan, a researcher at the Intellectual Property Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, a lawyer from Beijing Yunjia Law Firm

  If the consumer chooses to automatically renew without knowing it, and then does not provide a noticeable notification before the expiration, and then does not let the consumer cancel the automatic renewal in a significant way.

In this case, consumers can report and complain to the market supervision department.

  [Explanation] At the same time, consumers also suggest that the platform should also enlarge its vision and devote more attention to the cultivation of "internal strength", so as not to disappoint the trust of consumers.

  [Concurrent] Consumer@小晨

  First of all, we as consumers, when we use this App, it is because of our trust in this App and our love for this App, so I especially don’t want such a thing to make us feel bad about this App. App produces a bad mood.

Although (it is) a small matter, I think many details also reflect the humanity of this app.

  Reported by Chi Hanyu from Beijing

Responsible editor: [Li Ji]