Teller Report

"I decided to play card on the table": Hélène Ségara cash on her health problems

3/15/2023, 3:34:54 PM

In an interview with our Belgian colleagues from " Evening Mag" Wednesday, March 15, 2023, Hélène Ségara gave news of her state of health. A way for the 52-year-old singer to silence the many rumors that have circulated about it. The interpreter of " You love her" actually suffers from a rare eye disease.

Solène Delinger 16:26 pm, March 15, 2023

In an interview with our Belgian colleagues of "Soir Mag" Wednesday, March 15, 2023, Hélène Ségara gave news of her state of health. A way for the 52-year-old singer to silence the many rumors that have circulated about it. The interpreter of "Elle, tu l'aimes" actually suffers from a rare eye disease.

Fans of Hélène Ségara can be reassured: their idol is doing well, despite her illness, an irreversible macular degeneration that has already forced her to limit some of her tours. The state of health of the 52-year-old singer is now "stable", as she confides in the columns of Soir Mag thisWednesday, March 15, 2023.

"No one has discovered to date what I really have"

In the same interview, Hélène Ségara explains why she decided to break the silence by publicly talking about her rare eye disease. "When you spend a lot of time in the hospital, it is better to open the chapter yourself by controlling it rather than letting people seize information they do not control," says the star who deplores the sometimes incorrect media treatment around his pathology. "There are dozens of articles about my pathology while I went to Germany, Boston, all over the world and no one has discovered to this day what I really have!"

READ ALSO- "I hate to feel sorry for myself": Hélène Ségara's confidences about her illness

Hélène Ségara talks about Florent Pagny's fight against cancer

Hélène Ségara believes that it is necessary to "defuse the drifts", as was able to do her friend Florent Pagny speaking openly about his lung cancer. "That's what I like about Florent Pagny," says the star. Like the interpreter of Savoir aimer, Hélène Ségara wants to raise public awareness of her illness. "This is essential, and this year I started raising funds for the flam'Oeil association (...) Eventually, people wondered how I was doing. So, at one point, I decided to put my cards on the table, but on one condition: 'OK, I'm talking about my health but then you mention and support my association!'"

During her interview, Hélène Ségara once again returned to the criticism aimed at her physique. The star gained weight because of his treatment and faced a wave of grossophobic insults on social media. If she tried to ignore it, Hélène Ségara admits to having been hurt. "I had the decency not to talk about these topics and, therefore, articles were written by people who did not know what I was going through. I had other battles to fight than justifying myself. But I remain a human being and it hurt me, "says the singer who knows that she can nevertheless count on the benevolence and support of all her fans...