Teller Report

The major nations withdraw their appeal against the Swedish Fis chief Johan Eliasch

3/14/2023, 9:54:06 AM

Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Croatia are withdrawing their appeal to the Cas arbitration court regarding the re-election of Swede Johan Eliasch as president of the International Ski Federation, Fis, last year. - There is no longer any doubt that the re-election of Eliasch was valid, says Fis.

The four nations said the re-election of Eliasch as the new chairman after Gian Franco Kasper last year was unfair and had sent an appeal to Cas in Lausanne, which was due to make a ruling this week.

Eliasch was elected chairman in June 2021 at a digital meeting due to the pandemic, a decision that was confirmed at the congress last year.

It was after the re-election last year that the appeal was submitted.

- Fis has always claimed that the claims that were made were both frivolous and groundless.

The presidential election was conducted in full compliance with FI's statutes and Swiss law.

The fact that the appeal has been withdrawn means that there is no longer any doubt that the re-election of Eliasch was valid, says Fis in a comment.

Kasper died a month after Eliasch was elected chairman in 2021.

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