Teller Report

It's not that it's not unreasonable to get up and get up with a lot of anger!

3/14/2023, 3:41:49 AM

Adding water at this time can quickly dilute the blood, reduce blood viscosity, and quickly restore the brain to a clear state. It can also clean the stomach, help the body expel toxins, and prevent constipation. For those with oily skin, washing the face with cold water shrinks the pores and cannot thoroughly wash away cosmetic residues, dust, sebum, etc. on the face, which can easily cause acne problems.

  Have you ever woken up to the alarm clock's wake-up call, only to feel groggy, out of sorts, and inexplicably about to lose your temper?

That's right, this is "getting up".

It is said that 6 out of 10 people have "getting up".

So where did this "evil fire" come from, and how can it be extinguished?

What is the correct way to wake up?

Listen to what the doctor has to say.

Most of the "wake up gas" is caused by it's "noisy"

  Waking up is thought to possibly be related to "sleep inertia".

Sleep inertia refers to a state where the mind is not very clear for a period of time after waking up. During this period, the prefrontal cortex related to decision-making and self-control has not yet returned to normal working state, and the ability of personal self-control has declined. The peripheral sympathetic nervous system related to emotions such as resentment and anxiety becomes active, so impulsive and irritable emotions are prone to appear.

  And low-quality sleep is the key factor leading to "getting up gas"!

  The British Sleep Council conducted a questionnaire survey of thousands of British residents, showing that 40% of the respondents believe that lack of sleep will make them feel bad after waking up; more than 20% of the respondents believe that the huge life pressure makes their Decreased sleep quality, often dreaming or being awakened by nightmares, not in the state after waking up the next day, and easy to lose your temper.

These people are more likely to get up gas

  The study found that two types of people are more prone to "getting up" than other groups of people.

  Women According to the survey, the incidence rate of getting up gas is higher in women than in men, and 3.6 out of every 5 women have getting up gas.

This may be related to women's need to undertake more housework activities after getting up in the morning.

  Some young people or students with a fast-paced life, on the one hand, are more likely to be emotionally impulsive, on the other hand, due to excessive work and study pressure or irritability, when sleep is not fully satisfied but is awakened by others, It's easy to lose your temper.

 Dizziness and head swell, that's "getting violent"

  Due to oversleeping and rushing for time in the morning, many people are often very anxious when they wake up, and then feel dizzy after getting up, and even experience discomfort such as pale complexion, elevated blood pressure, and vertigo.

  This is because after waking up, it takes a process for the human body to change from the suppressed state to the excited state. At this time, the blood flow will be slower and oxygen cannot be delivered to the brain in time. If you get up suddenly and change the position of the brain instantly, it will cause When the blood supply to the brain suddenly decreases, it is prone to dizziness, vertigo and other discomforts.

  In addition, when people sleep, their blood pressure is relatively low. If they wake up too quickly, their blood pressure will suddenly rise. Especially for people with high blood pressure, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents may occur due to the sudden rise of blood pressure.

Therefore, getting up too quickly is extremely bad for the brain, especially for people who are older and have aging cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

  The correct way to get up should be not to rush to get up after waking up, you can squint for a while, let your body have a process of adaptation, wait until your mind is a little clear, and then get up slowly, which is also very effective in relieving getting up. good way.

happy to wake up can try this

  How can I wake myself up quickly if I don't want to stay in bed?

  First of all, ensure adequate sleep, which is the most effective way to deal with getting up and get rid of staying in bed.

The quality of sleep has improved, and you will naturally feel refreshed after waking up.

  Secondly, when you just wake up and have not opened your eyes, you can use facial massage to increase blood circulation and wake yourself up slowly.

First use the palms of both hands to press around the eye sockets, forehead, cheeks, and ears, and gently pat the face with fingertips. This will not only help us wake up quickly, but also benefit facial maintenance.

  In addition, we can smell some refreshing scents after waking up, listen to some music, news or audiobooks, stand by the window or on the balcony and take a few deep breaths, which can also cheer us up quickly Wake up, refreshed.

Don't miss this cup of "resurrection water" in the morning

  Getting up in the morning to drink water is beneficial to the human body. It is best to drink a glass of warm water (300 to 500 ml) on an empty stomach in the morning.

Because physiological activities such as breathing, perspiration, and urination consume a lot of water when sleeping at night, the human body loses about 450 ml of water overnight, so the body is in a state of physiological water shortage after waking up in the morning.

  Adding water at this time can quickly dilute the blood, reduce blood viscosity, and quickly restore the brain to a clear state. It can also clean the stomach, help the body expel toxins, and prevent constipation.

  So the first glass of water in the morning is also called "resurrection water".

  Wash your face with cold water if you can

  As the saying goes: "Wash your face with cold water for beauty and health care." This statement is not without reason.

Generally speaking, washing your face with cold water has several advantages:

  Under the stimulation of cold water, we can wake up quickly and cheer up quickly;

  The facial skin is stimulated by cold water, and the capillaries shrink, which can make the facial blood circulation smoother and enhance skin elasticity;

  Washing your face with cold water can avoid excessive cleansing of the skin's oil layer and cause facial dryness and discomfort, and help maintain the skin's water-oil balance;

  Washing your face with cold water can enhance the body's ability to resist the cold and reduce the occurrence of colds and respiratory diseases.

  However, what needs to be specially reminded is that whether to wash your face with hot water, warm water or cold water varies from person to person.

For the elderly, weak and immunocompromised, the water temperature should not be too low in winter, otherwise they will catch a cold easily.

For those with oily skin, washing the face with cold water shrinks the pores and cannot thoroughly wash away cosmetic residues, dust, sebum, etc. on the face, which can easily cause acne problems.

  Text/Li Mo (Beijing Geriatric Hospital)