Teller Report

"Women's Empowerment through the Perspective of Sustainable Development" side event held in Geneva

3/14/2023, 1:24:20 AM

(Reporter De Yongjian) During the 52nd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, the "Women's Empowerment from the Perspective of Sustainable Development" side event was held in Geneva on the 13th. The side event was hosted by Chongqing Yige Social Development Promotion Center, Southwest University of Political Science and Law Human Rights Research Institute and China Human Rights Research Association, and six experts and scholars conducted discussions and exchanges.

  China News Agency, Geneva, March 13 (Reporter De Yongjian) During the 52nd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, the "Women's Empowerment from the Perspective of Sustainable Development" side event was held in Geneva on the 13th.

  The side event was hosted by Chongqing Yige Social Development Promotion Center, Southwest University of Political Science and Law Human Rights Research Institute and China Human Rights Research Association, and six experts and scholars conducted discussions and exchanges.

Zhao Shukun, a professor at the Human Rights Research Institute of Southwest University of Political Science and Law who presided over the side event, said that gender-based inequality, discrimination and violence against women, and women's development in rural and impoverished areas are all systemic social problems. Women's rights, so that women have equal access to development opportunities and achieve development, require extensive communication and experience sharing.

The picture shows Zhang Yonghe, chairman of Chongqing Yige Social Development Promotion Center, making a speech.

Photo by China News Agency reporter De Yongjian

  Zhang Yonghe, chairman of the Chongqing Yige Social Development Promotion Center, pointed out that the core meaning of "empowerment" is to unblock the obstacles faced by relevant rights subjects on the road to realizing their own rights. Paying attention to women's empowerment is an important topic of sustainable development. It is an important link to solve the poverty phenomenon in developing countries, and it is also the key to women's development.

  Dr. Wang Sha from Chongqing Yige Social Development Promotion Center introduced many highlights of China's newly revised "Women's Rights and Interests Protection Law", such as clarifying the connotation of "discrimination against women", institutionalizing and empowering women's development; protecting women throughout their life cycle and empowering women Comprehensive development; affirming the social value of childbearing, empowering women's career development; clarifying relief measures and legal responsibilities, emphasizing the special needs of women.

The picture shows the scene of the side meeting.

Photo by China News Agency reporter De Yongjian

  Lu Haina, director of the China Society for Human Rights Studies and executive director of the Human Rights Research Center of Renmin University of China, said that the negative impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic on women's right to work far exceeds that of men, and it is also exacerbating gender inequality as a whole. The concept of equality encourages changes in the traditional gender division of labor in the family and supports men and women in sharing family responsibilities. Only in this way can fundamentally change women's economic and employment disadvantages and realize the equal right to work.

The picture shows a female participant.

Photo by China News Agency reporter De Yongjian

  Zhou Li, an associate professor at the Human Rights Research Institute of Southwest University of Political Science and Law, pointed out that social organizations that focus on women's issues represent women's "rights, resources, and discourse power." In terms of inequality in social life, women's organizations have more room to work.

  Dr. Tan Yuyang from the Chongqing Yige Social Development Promotion Center said that by the end of 2020, women accounted for about half of the nearly 100 million people in China who have been lifted out of poverty, but rural women's capabilities are still fragile, and poverty reduction and economic development measures that conform to local development culture should be adopted , to provide economic empowerment support for rural women, and at the same time provide more high-quality public basic services to solve the problem of rural women's "time poverty".
