Teller Report

The United States proposed a mechanism for sanctions against China in case of support for Russia in the military sphere

3/10/2023, 8:58:35 PM

Member of the US House of Representatives Democrat Adam Schiff, along with a number of colleagues, proposed to the US Congress to consider a bill that provides for the emergence of a mechanism for imposing sanctions against Chinese citizens or organizations related to military support for Russia against the backdrop of the conflict in Ukraine. RT has reviewed the document containing the details of the initiative.

It follows from the text of the bill that if the document enters into force, the US president will be authorized to impose sanctions "against persons from the PRC."

The head of state will be able to take such measures if he considers that on or after the effective date of the law, “a person from China”, among other things, “knowingly exported, transferred or otherwise provided Russia with financial, material or technological support that really contributes to the ability of the Russian government conduct military operations in Ukraine.

Among the possible reasons for imposing sanctions against “persons from the PRC”, the American side includes assistance to Russia in the acquisition of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons, the acquisition of ballistic or cruise missile capabilities, advanced conventional weapons, defense services or defense information, and others.

As specified, the sanctions include the blocking of property, the ban on the entry of individuals and the cancellation of existing visas, a ban on property transactions, a ban on obtaining loans from US and international financial institutions, and more. 

The term "person from the PRC" means any citizen of China, any organization established in the jurisdiction of the country.

Also, this term should be understood as the government of China, the Communist Party of the country, as well as state-owned companies, the bill says.

Corresponding member of the Academy of Military Sciences Sergei Sudakov, in a conversation with RT, recalled that the United States is doing everything possible today to promote the so-called conflict agenda with China.

“Forbidding China to do anything means unleashing a sanctions war... At present, sanctions and embargoes are becoming exclusively a mechanism for promoting their own interests.

Also, the United States is well aware that it is much more important for them today to prevent a hot conflict with China.

In any case, they will not be able to wage two conflicts - in Europe and with China - with all their greatness, with all their huge budgets, ”the expert added.

In his opinion, if the bill presented by Schiff is adopted, the PRC will react quite harshly to this.

“Then there will only be an aggravation of the conflict ... This will lead to a deeper rallying of the collective South against the collective West,” Sudakov summed up.

Earlier, the head of the US House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs, Michael McCall, said that, according to him, China is considering the possibility of supplying Russia with drones.

Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang stressed that Beijing does not supply weapons to any of the parties to the conflict in Ukraine.

Andrey Kelin, the Russian ambassador to the UK, confirmed this, noting that Moscow has enough resources in this regard.