Teller Report

Special report on the two sessions丨Oath to live up to the people

3/10/2023, 7:46:34 PM

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 10th, title : Swear to live up to the people   Xinhua News Agency reporter   Elected unanimously! All hope!   The Great Hall of the People, which witnessed history, once again remembers the solemn moment.   On the morning of March 10, 2023, to nearly 3,000 deputies to the 14th National People's Congress, Xi Jinping, who had just been elected president of th

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 10th,

title : Swear to live up to the people

  Xinhua News Agency reporter

  Elected unanimously!

All hope!

  The Great Hall of the People, which witnessed history, once again remembers the solemn moment.

  On the morning of March 10, 2023, to nearly 3,000 deputies to the 14th National People's Congress, Xi Jinping, who had just been elected president of the country and chairman of the Central Military Commission, took the constitutional oath.

  Make an oath and live up to the people.

  "I swear: to be loyal to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, to uphold the authority of the Constitution, to perform statutory duties, to be loyal to the motherland and to the people, to fulfill our duties, to be honest and honest, to accept the supervision of the people, and to work hard to build a prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious and beautiful modern socialist country!"

  The applause was warm and focused.

  Let us, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, work hard and forge ahead with courage, and win greater victories and glory in the new era and new journey!

Always maintain a pure heart for the people, and engrave the sincere oath into the mission of the Party and the country

  The sacred oath responds to the solemn choice made by the representatives in the name of more than 1.4 billion people, and imprints the unswerving innocence of the leader of a big party and a big country.

  The national emblem hangs high and shines brightly; warm memories come flooding back.

  On February 7, 2014, Xi Jinping, who has served as the president of the country for nearly a year, revealed his feelings to foreign media in this way: "As the leader of the country, the people put me in such a job, and I will always put the people in the The highest position in my heart, keep in mind that the responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai, always keep the safety and well-being of the people in mind, work conscientiously, spend all day and night in public, and always have a heart-to-heart relationship with the people, share weal and woe with the people, and work together with the people.”

  Every word comes from the heart; the original heart is like a rock, and the faith is like a torch.

  General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly recalled the years in Liangjiahe, "One thing I am looking forward to is to let the villagers have a full meal of meat, and often eat meat."

  From the secretary of the party branch of the brigade to the top leaders of the party and the country, he has experienced the sufferings of the people and knows the expectations of the people.

In his self-report article "I am the Son of the Yellow Earth", he wrote: "Love the common people like you love your own parents, seek the interests of the common people, and lead the common people to a better life".

  The years are rushing, and the mountains and rivers are confirmed; both wind and rain, the mission must be achieved.

  "In such a big country, the responsibility is very heavy and the work is very arduous. I will be selfless and not responsible to the people. I am willing to achieve a state of 'selflessness' and dedicate myself to China's development."

  Walking through bumpy roads, holding hands full of calluses... General Secretary Xi Jinping used the hard work of traveling through 14 concentrated and contiguous destitute areas to promote the realization of an all-round well-off with "not one less", and rushed towards Common prosperity.

  This year's National Two Sessions, three National People's Congress representatives from Hunan brought front-line research reports from the airport project site in western Hunan, the Miao embroidery workshop in Shibadong Village, the Miao Jinzhai at the foot of Ludong Mountain, and the 10,000-mu golden tea garden. It seems that it still exudes the earthy fragrance of the fertile fields in the new spring.

  "This year marks the 10th anniversary of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important concept of 'targeted poverty alleviation' in Xiangxi Prefecture. Without the good policies of the party and the state, there is no earth-shaking new look!"

  98.99 million, and an average of more than 10 million people are lifted out of poverty every year.

Over the past ten years, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, we have historically solved the problem of absolute poverty, built a moderately prosperous society in all respects as scheduled, and laid a solid foundation for the new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country.

  In a great country, the pilot is at the helm; the word "people" is as important as a thousand pounds.

  "The people's yearning for a better life is our goal."

  "I am a servant of the people."

  "The times are the test-takers, we are the test-takers, and the people are the test-takers."


  In April 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the home of villager Wang Deli in Maozhushan Village, Guilin, Guangxi.

  "General Secretary, you are usually so busy, you still come to see us, thank you very much."

  "I am busy with these things, and the 'biggest country' is the happy life of the people."

  A piece of daily life records his intimacy with the masses of "sitting next to each other and chatting heart-to-heart"; each deployment runs through the requirement of "responses to the people's calls and reforms"; each leap has witnessed The concept of "Let the development results benefit all the people more and more equitably".

  No matter how small a matter is for the people, it is a big matter.

General Secretary Xi Jinping always puts the people in the highest position in his heart, and insists on asking the needs of the people and asking the people for their plans.

  In the past ten years, General Secretary Xi Jinping has discussed state affairs with deputies to the National People's Congress and members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. He has participated in more than 50 deliberations and discussions of the two sessions of the National People's Congress and listened to the speeches of about 400 representatives.

  From the community meeting hall to the Great Hall of the People, people's democracy has become the broadest, most authentic and most effective democracy in the whole process.

  The satisfaction rate of the representative committee members on the implementation results of the opinions and suggestions reached 100%.

The opinions and suggestions of the representative committee members are constantly transformed into visible and tangible people's livelihood and well-being.

  Better education, more stable jobs, more satisfactory income, more reliable social security, higher level of medical and health services, more comfortable living conditions, more beautiful environment... In recent years, the Chinese people's satisfaction with the government The rate is maintained above 90% every year.

  "The people are the country. The Communist Party fights the country and guards the country. It guards the hearts of the people in order to let the people live a better life." What the heart thinks is what it does.

With the "big country" in mind, integrate the sonorous oath into the great practice of governing the country in the new era

  After a lapse of five years, the lens of history was once again frozen, and the constitution of the leader of the Republic was sworn in.

  Xi Jinping got up from his seat on the rostrum and bowed to all the representatives.

  A wave of applause is dedicated to the Communists who have led socialism with Chinese characteristics into a new era.

  Sacred votes belong to the leaders who promote the historic achievements and changes of the party and the country.

  Seeking happiness for the people and rejuvenation for the nation—coordinating the overall strategy of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the great changes in the world unseen in a century, General Secretary Xi Jinping has turned the sonorous oath in the hearts of generations of Communists into a great practice of governance in the new era .

  On the "battlefield" of the decisive battle against poverty, he braved the wind and snow, climbed mountains and mountains, and personally directed the largest anti-poverty struggle in human history to win the final victory;

  In the "big test" of fighting against the new crown epidemic, he strategized, resolutely and resolutely created a miracle in the history of human civilization that a country with a large population successfully emerged from the pandemic;

  He personally led the top-level design of a strong military, promoting the overall revolutionary reshaping of the people's army; he proposed an overall national security concept, coordinating development and security; he promoted the construction of a community of shared future for mankind, and made major contributions to the progress of human civilization in a turbulent and changing world ...

  Reform, development, stability, internal affairs, foreign affairs, national defense, and governance of the Party, the country, and the military.

Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process.

  Planning and deploying in person, the "big country" has ambitions for the future.

  "We must never go back to the old way of simply judging heroes based on the growth rate of GDP."

The oath is sonorous, for the steady and long-term development of China's economic giant——

  Shanxi Taigang, the world's largest stainless steel company, once suffered a huge loss.

In 2017 and 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping went to investigate twice.

  After three years, Nirvana was reborn, and the world's thinnest "hand-sheared steel" is in short supply.

The general secretary praised "Hundreds of steelmaking made it soft around the fingers".

  In the past ten years, high-quality development has become more solid, and the background of people's happiness has become brighter.

The new development stage, new development concept, and new development pattern are becoming clearer on the new journey.

  "Protect the ecological environment like protecting your eyes, and treat the ecological environment like you treat your life."

The oath is sonorous, for the sustainable inheritance of the Chinese nation——

  On March 5 this year, when he participated in the deliberation of the Jiangsu delegation and listened to the representatives' speeches, General Secretary Xi Jinping specifically asked about the water quality of Taihu Lake and whether there were any blue-green algae.

In his subsequent speech, he referred to this issue again.

  "At any time, we can't take the road of rushing to make decisions, exhausting resources, and only GDP. This is why we must establish a new development concept. This is where the correct view of political performance is established. Success does not have to be mine, success must be mine."

  Incorporate the construction of ecological civilization into the "five-in-one" overall layout of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and write "lucid waters and lush mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains" into the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the party constitution... In the past ten years, beautiful China can be felt and known, "for Future generations plan, seek for long-term development" strategic determination is acclaimed all over the world.

  "The rejuvenation of a nation requires strong material strength, as well as strong spiritual strength." The oath is sonorous, and the dream is realized for the sons and daughters of China——

  On the morning of September 30, 2022, Tiananmen Square was solemn and solemn, and the Monument to the People's Heroes stood majestically.

  Standing in silence, presenting flower baskets, arranging ribbons, and slowly paying respects... Since the establishment of Martyrs' Memorial Day, General Secretary Xi Jinping will convey infinite power with silent remembrance on this day every year.

  Awarding medals for meritorious models, giving up seats to old moral models, and telling young people to "button the first button of life"... For ten years, General Secretary Xi Jinping has personally led the whole party and the people to plant the fertile soil of Chinese civilization in the new era.

  From the "China Road" that is getting wider and wider, our road confidence has become more and more firm; from the "China Principle" with strong truth and moral power, our theoretical confidence has become increasingly solid; In the "Government of China", our institutional self-confidence has been continuously forged; from the "Soul of China" deeply rooted in the long history and profound cultural context, our cultural self-confidence has been continuously strengthened.

  Today, the Chinese people's ambition, backbone, and confidence have been greatly enhanced, and a more active spiritual force has been radiated.

Lead the new expedition, use the heroic oath to gather the majestic force of unity and forge ahead

  "High-quality development is the primary task of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way." On March 5, the opening day of the first session of the 14th National People's Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping first came to his Jiangsu delegation to fully implement the party's The 20 Spiritual Guidance and Orientation.

  A few months ago, the Party’s 20th National Congress drew up a grand blueprint for comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through Chinese-style modernization. A series of strategic deployments will be transformed into the will of the country through legal procedures at the National Two Sessions, and then approved by the entire Party and the entire army. The joint efforts of the people of all nationalities in the country have spread across the land of China and written a splendid chapter of the times.

  A few days ago, Representative Shan Zenghai reported the good news from the manufacturing industry to General Secretary Xi Jinping. Now he is sitting in the Great Hall of the People and listening to the General Secretary's constitutional oath.

  "Work hard to build a prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious and beautiful socialist modern power!"

  The oath is heroic, and the direction of progress is extremely clear——

  "There must be a world-leading manufacturing industry." Shan Zenghai kept in mind the entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping. A large country with a population of more than 1.4 billion cannot rely on the international market, nor can it rely on "one trick to eat all over the world". It must rely on itself to solve the problem. own problem.

  From "accelerating the realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement is the only way to promote high-quality development", to "accelerating the construction of a new development pattern is the strategic basis for promoting high-quality development", and then to "people's happiness and well-being is the ultimate goal of promoting high-quality development" Purpose"...General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out the direction for solidly advancing Chinese-style modernization with high-quality development.

  The oath is heroic, and the confidence to attack is extremely firm——

  "In the face of profound and complex changes in the international and domestic environment, we must remain calm, maintain concentration, strive for progress while maintaining stability, take active actions, unite as one, and dare to fight." When members of the Federation of Industry and Commerce participated in the joint group meeting, General Secretary Xi Jinping's words were resounding.

  Following the requirement of "better coordinating epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development", delegations from all over the country have sent delegations to charter flights and fight for orders; keeping in mind the entrustment of "breaking through the 'stuck neck' key core technology is urgent", the National Laboratory has given full play to the national strategic technology The leading role of the backbone of strength, hard work, day and night to tackle key problems...

  "The new round of technological and industrial revolution is bringing favorable opportunities for our country to 'change lanes and overtake'." Zhang Laibin, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, pointed out that the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China listed education, science and technology, and talents as special chapters. For deployment, we must continue to be guided by national strategic needs, gather strength to carry out original and leading scientific and technological research, and lay a solid material and technological foundation for the construction of a strong country.

  The oath is heroic, the power to forge ahead is extremely powerful——

  At the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, which General Secretary Xi Jinping has inspected many times, the earth-shaking take-offs have been made again and again, making the pace of space exploration more stable and farther; at Ningbo Zhoushan Port, where General Secretary Xi Jinping is brewing a new development pattern, container trucks shuttle day and night, Make the bridge between China and foreign trade more smooth...

  In the grand game of regional coordinated development planned by General Secretary Xi Jinping, two mother rivers, three major urban agglomerations, and four major economic zones are connected to form a momentum; on the new voyage of reform and opening up outlined by General Secretary Xi Jinping, Shenzhen is the first to demonstrate socialism with Chinese characteristics District, Pudong Leading Zone for Socialist Modernization, Zhejiang High-quality Development and Construction of Common Prosperity Demonstration Zone, and Hainan Free Trade Port with Chinese Characteristics are exploring the way to comprehensively build a socialist modern country from a higher starting point...

  A big country in the East is constantly changing.

  The great leap of the Chinese nation from standing up, getting rich to becoming strong, bears in mind the long march of the Chinese Communists who are "always on the road", and inspires the Chinese nation to move towards rejuvenation.

  Great achievements for thousands of years, continue to struggle.

  "The new journey is an expedition full of glory and dreams." There is a consistent passion and an indomitable unity of purpose.

  Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, and with the majestic power of more than 1.4 billion Chinese people, the Chinese nation will surely create a brighter future!