Teller Report

PSG striker Neymar successfully operated on his ankle in Qatar

3/10/2023, 6:58:27 PM

The operation on the right ankle of PSG striker Neymar, this Friday at Aspetar Hospital in Doha, "went well", according to a press release from PSG. The intervention was led by professors Peter D'Hooghe, James Calder and Rodrigo Lasmar.

Europe 1 with AFP 7:47 p.m., March 10, 2023

The operation on the right ankle of PSG striker Neymar, this Friday at Aspetar Hospital in Doha, went "well" according to a press release from PSG.

The intervention was led by Professors Peter D'Hooghe, James Calder and Rodrigo Lasmar.

Neymar underwent successful surgery on his right ankle in Qatar on Friday, his club PSG said.

"Neymar Jr underwent surgery late Friday morning at Aspetar Hospital in Doha, by Professors Peter D'hoodge, James Calder and Rodrigo Lasmar. The operation went very well. The player will now respect a rest and care protocol," the Parisian club said in a statement.

The Brazilian player was injured on February 19 in the Ligue 1 match between Paris Saint-Germain and Lille.

Medical statement regarding @neymarjr.@Aspetar

— Paris Saint-Germain (@PSG_inside) March 10, 2023

The 31-year-old Brazilian striker could be out for up to four months.

PSG, controlled by the Qatari investment fund QSI, had previously indicated that Neymar would undergo "a ligament repair operation, in order to avoid a major risk of recurrence" on his right ankle, injured several times.

Neymar in particular was already treated at Aspetar in January 2019.


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Repeat injuries

His injuries have multiplied since he joined PSG in 2017 for a record €222m and he has been forced to miss over a hundred matches because of them and also due to suspensions.

Neymar should not play again in the French Ligue 1 championship with PSG this season, the only competition in which the club is still involved, since it ends on June 3.