Teller Report

G7 Foreign Ministers' Meeting Continuing Support Needed for Ukraine in the Energy Sector Confirmed

3/10/2023, 10:46:42 PM

[NHK] With Russia's invasion of Ukraine protracted, an online meeting was held by the foreign ministers of the G7 = seven major countries on the night of the 10th, Japan time...

With Russia's invasion of Ukraine protracted, on the night of the 10th Japan time, an online meeting was held by the foreign ministers of the G7 = seven major countries, and continued to provide necessary support to Ukraine in the energy field. confirmed.

The meeting was held for about an hour at the invitation of Foreign Minister Hayashi and US Secretary of State Brinken, and was attended by G7 countries, Ukraine's Foreign Minister Kuleba, and foreign ministers from relevant European countries.

Since Russia's attacks have caused damage to power facilities in Ukraine, they exchanged views on the maintenance and restoration of infrastructure, and confirmed that they will continue to provide necessary assistance in the energy sector.

In addition, Minister Hayashi explained that Japan is providing equipment such as large-scale transformer facilities to Ukraine, and indicated Japan's policy of continuing to contribute to assistance in the energy sector.

In addition, Prime Minister Abe emphasized Japan's determination to lead assistance to Ukraine while cooperating with the international community as the G7 presidency.