Teller Report

Chad: the 18 non-signatory movements of the Doha agreement call on the government to negotiate

3/10/2023, 7:10:27 PM

The leaders and representatives of the 18 Chadian politico-military movements, the main ones such as Mahadi Ali's Fact, the CCMSR or the FNDJT, were in Rome this week, from Monday…

Chad: the 18 non-signatory movements of the Doha agreement call on the government to negotiate

Opening of the pre-dialogue between the government and the Chadian politico-military groups, in Doha, Qatar, this Sunday, March 13, 2022. © Florence Morice / RFI

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2 mins

The leaders and representatives of the 18 Chadian politico-military movements, the main ones such as Mahadi Ali's Fact, the CCMSR or the FNDJT, were in Rome this week, from Monday to Wednesday March 8, at the invitation of the Catholic community of Sant'Egidio.

Objective: to try to relaunch the dialogue with the transitional power led by Mahamat Idriss Déby Itno.

They announced that they had decided to reach out to the power of Ndjamena for peace negotiations.


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The choice of the Sant'Egidio community is not due to chance.

The Chadian politico-military had already taken advantage in January 2022 of the hospitality of this religious community specialized in mediation to agree on a common position before the start of negotiations with the Chadian government of the time which had taken place in Doha. .

Even if the 18 movements finally rejected the agreement of August 8th.

They therefore decided to renew their confidence in Sant'Egidio, whom they asked, after three days of discussion under the auspices of this community in Rome, to speak with the transitional government in order to open an inclusive process of negotiation, that is to say with the participation of civil society and the political opposition, specifies Colonel Adoum Yacoub, the spokesperson for this platform.

These political-military movements also call on the international community to put pressure on Ndjamena to accept their outstretched hand.

It's an unconditional peace offer

", insisted Mauro Garofolo of Sant'Egidio, who recalls that the bridges were never cut with Ndjamena since representatives of the community visited Chad several times in 2022 , where they were able to meet with transitional president Mahamat Idriss Déby.

We hope to meet with the Chadian authorities in the coming weeks,

 " he added, while recalling that " 

this is a delicate subject which requires a certain confidentiality


To read also Chad: the "contribution" of the Sant'Egidio community to the pre-dialogue


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