Teller Report

With nearly 16.5 million downloads in February 2023, Europe 1 is the only radio station in the top 5 to progress (+17%)   

3/9/2023, 12:52:27 PM

Médiamétrie published this morning the figures for the podcast market for the month of February 2023. Europe 1 and its productions confirm their attractiveness in terms of great stories, history, but also humor, with nearly 16.5 million downloads (+17% in one year).

Europe 1 1:40 p.m., March 09, 2023

Médiamétrie published this morning the figures for the podcast market for the month of February 2023. Europe 1 and its productions confirm their attractiveness in terms of great stories, history, but also humor, with nearly 16.5 million downloads (+17% in one year).

Three programs of the station are placed this month in the TOP 30 of Médiamétrie: 

Hondelatte Raconte, 

Historiquement Vôtre 


Au cœur de l'Histoire


Europe 1 undisputed leader in storytelling: 

Hondelatte Raconte

still tops storytelling podcasts with 8,758,000 monthly listens

Christophe Hondelatte, France's leading storyteller, remains THE indisputable voice of storytelling with

Hondelatte Raconte.

The program

records, in one year, an increase of 9%.

He has notably distinguished himself in recent months through exceptional cases: the Daval affair, the Spaggiari case ... and has also "slipped" into the skin of Jeffrey Dahmer, an unprecedented exercise which renews the genre.

Historically Yours

confirms its appeal to the public

The merry band, led by Stéphane Bern, composed in particular of David Castello-Lopes, Clémentine Portier-Kaltenbach, Olivier Poels and Jean-Luc Lemoine, brings together more and more aficionados.

With 1.3 million downloads, the show, which plays with history by retracing the extraordinary destinies of personalities who could never have crossed paths, recorded a 45% increase in one year.

At the Heart of History

continues its momentum (+ 39% in one year)

The native podcast

Au Cœur de l'Histoire

, embodied by historian and writer Virginie Girod, once again performed well with more than 1.2 million downloads.

Simone Veil, Hedy Lamarr, Irène Joliot-Curie, Magda Goebbels, Napoleon I… Virginie Girod offers a fresh look at great figures in history, but also at extraordinary characters forgotten by school textbooks. 

Historic records 

Culture Media

at its best

Philippe Vandel, rewarded several times by his peers, signs a new record with 842,000 downloads.

An unmissable event boosted in particular by "The catch-up session (587,000 downloads), by Jean-Luc Lemoine; a column launched at the start of the school year and whose success is confirmed month after month.

Gaspard Proust, a successful carte blanche

The comedian who crunches the news with impertinence every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in

Europe 1 Matin,

presented by Dimitri Pavlenko, confirms his success with the public.

With 630,000 downloads (+146% vs January 2023), no one escapes the scathing humor of Gaspard Proust, who does not hesitate to make fun of the greats of this world.

These results attest to the power of Europe 1's positioning on the themes of great stories and history, but also humor, making the station a major player in the world of podcast production.

* Source: Médiamétrie – eStat Podcast – February 2023.

Podcasts to be found on 


and all the usual listening platforms.