Teller Report

Used Christmas trees are to stop the erosion along Göta River's shore

3/9/2023, 6:04:37 PM

Now Kungälvsborna's used Christmas trees get a completely new use: save the shoreline in Göta river against erosion. - The idea is that the Christmas trees will reduce the flow energy that affects the beaches and make it order, says Per Danielsson, national coordinator for beach erosion at SGI.

This year, it is the Kungälv residents' own Christmas trees that will save the shoreline along the Göta River from erosion.

Like last year, a long barrier of used Christmas trees will be created.

In total, it is about 35,000 liters of Christmas trees that are unloaded from a ship into a narrow barrier in the water.

- We have seen that it is calmer in the water and that erosion is decreasing.

The fact that the ice remains is an example that it is much calmer in the water behind the erosion protection, says Per Danielsson.

The city of Gothenburg is the next destination

According to Per Danielsson, the city of Gothenburg has also shown interest in this type of nature-adapted erosion protection.


Kungälv municipality has contacted us and helped us collect Christmas trees.

We hope that we can do the same in the city of Gothenburg, says Per Danielsson.