Teller Report

Schumann, Chairman of the German Federal Association for Economic Development and Foreign Trade: The prospect of Sino-German cooperation is still full of hope

3/9/2023, 5:10:09 PM

Michael Schumann, chairman of the German Federal Association for Economic Development and Foreign Trade (BWA), said at an economic event in Berlin recently that based on the latest economic data, the prospects for Sino-German cooperation are still full of hope. "Nevertheless, as the chairman of the German Federal Association for Economic Development and Foreign Trade, I can say with some pride that the bilateral economic relations between Germany and China have continued to improve in recent years, and the epidemic has not changed this trend.

  China News Agency, Berlin, March 8 (Reporter Ma Xiuxiu) Michael Schuman, chairman of the German Federal Association for Economic Development and Foreign Trade (BWA), recently attended an economic event in Berlin and said that based on the latest economic data, the prospects for Sino-German cooperation Still full of hope.

Despite the enormous global challenges and uncertainties in the global economy, both the Chinese and German economies have shown remarkable resilience and adaptability.

  Schumann said that the new crown epidemic has dealt a blow to us both in Germany and China.

"Nevertheless, as the chairman of the German Federal Association for Economic Development and Foreign Trade, I can say with some pride that the bilateral economic relations between Germany and China have continued to improve in recent years, and the epidemic has not changed this trend."

  Schuman said that China remains an important partner of Germany, and the recently released data proves this.

In 2022, China has become Germany's most important trading partner for seven consecutive years, and the bilateral trade volume has risen to a record high of nearly 298 billion euros, an increase of about 21% over 2021.

  Schumann said that many companies in Germany and China have maintained a relationship of trust over the years, and their associations have long been committed to developing Germany-China relations and have built many bridges for the exchanges between companies of the two countries.

  Schumann pointed out that he also does not want to hide the fact that Europe is currently in a difficult period, and political doubts about Germany-China relations have increased.

But "deglobalization" and "protectionism" cannot be the correct solution to the problem.

To ensure the future development of the German and Chinese economies, stronger international ties are necessary.

"Cooperation, not confrontation, is the top priority!"

  "Finding common ground and achieving together has always been one of the advantages of Germany-China economic cooperation." Schumann emphasized that Germany and China should make good use of their experience and capabilities in building bridges between the two countries in the past, and will continue to do so in the future. These experiences and competencies are required.
