Teller Report

Protesters in Tbilisi demand government resignation

3/9/2023, 7:58:11 PM

At a protest in Tbilisi, a group of military veterans of the Georgian army called on the Georgian government to resign and call early parliamentary elections.

This was reported by Interfax.

A man who identified himself as an army veteran said from the rostrum that the current Georgian authorities are unable to "lead the country in the direction of Europe." 

“This government should resign,” he said.

In addition, he spoke about the need to hold early parliamentary elections.

It is noted that some of the protesters, including leaders of opposition parties, expressed solidarity with him by raising their hands.

Earlier it was reported that protests continue in the capital of Georgia, which began after the adoption by the country's parliament in the first reading of the bill on foreign agents. 

The authors of the bill, which caused a stir, announced their intention to withdraw the document, but the opposition parties spoke in favor of continuing the protests.

RT conducts text and video broadcast of the protests.