Teller Report

MGB: in the event of an explosion in Tiraspol, the radius of destruction would be 400 meters

3/9/2023, 7:16:05 PM

If the terrorists were successful in Tiraspol by blowing up a car, the radius of destruction would be 400 m, the First Pridnestrovian TV channel reports, citing data from the Ministry of State Security.

“If the plan of [the organizer of the terrorist attack Vyacheslav] Kisnichan and his curators, that is, the commission of a terrorist attack, was implemented, the radius of destruction of the explosive device would be up to 400 m,” TASS quoted the commentary as saying.

As Anatoly Guretsky, the prosecutor of the unrecognized republic, noted, “an explosive substance with a large number of screws and other metal products indicates that a major terrorist act was being prepared.”

Earlier, the prosecutor of the unrecognized Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, Anatoly Guretsky, said that the attack, on the instructions of the SBU, should have been carried out in the center of Tiraspol.

Prior to that, it became known that in Pridnestrovie it was possible to prevent an attempt on a number of officials of the PMR.

The republic will call on all members of the UN Security Council to look into the preparation of a terrorist attack by the Ukrainian special services.