Teller Report

Krim profile is charged with serious eco-crimes - risks a long prison sentence

3/9/2023, 5:40:04 PM

The man has a profile as an ex-criminal lecturer and author and has appeared in a number of television shows and podcasts. Now he is charged as a suspect for serious eco-crimes in Sweden's biggest fraud case. He himself refutes the accusations and believes that he has been deceived.

The mobile scam consists of a number of giant transactions between several companies, and is suspected of having been designed to claim VAT that was never paid.

Prosecutor Thomas Hertz at the Ecocrime Authority has described it as a kind of "smash'n'grab" coup, in which the fraudsters were able to appropriate staggering sums in a short time.

Now he has filed charges against a 45-year-old man who is known as a writer and lecturer based on his background as a former criminal, and who SVT previously reported had been in custody.

When he was released from custody in December, he was instead banned from traveling, and now he is being charged with, among other things, serious tax crimes and serious economic money laundering.

In addition, the prosecutor wants to see a ten-year trade ban that his company must pay a corporate fine of ten million.

Billions from former hairdressing salon

The preliminary investigation covers almost 1,700 pages and contains, among other things, chats, business documents and seizures from house searches.

The prosecutor highlights in the lawsuit that the man's company bought goods for a total of 2.5 billion from a completely new company that lacked insurance, had only one employee and sold mobile phones at a loss.

At the other end, the only customer is said to have been a former hairdressing salon that was part of a previous prosecution in the mobile phone scandal.

The deals are said to have included a breathtaking 2.5 billion and, according to the indictment, the tax system has risked losing close to half a billion.

"The acts are to be assessed as serious crimes because they involved very significant amounts, were carried out with great systematicity and were of a very dangerous nature," it says.

SVT has sought the man's lawyer.

In questioning, he denies all the accusations, and claims that he was deceived by a former friend.

It is the same person who SVT 2021 revealed was able to run companies in the mobile mess with the help of government web services, despite the fact that he was internationally wanted.

Behind the scenes - this is how the mobile phone tangle unraveled