Teller Report

Shanghai Meiying revitalizes the old IP step by step

3/8/2023, 2:43:55 AM

Reporter Song said that classic IPs make big movies Earlier this year, Shanghai Animation Film Studio created the first national comic hit of the year "China Strange Tan". Last year, Shanghai Meiying launched the "Hundred Years of Chinese Animation Long Scroll", which recorded the classic animation films produced by Shanghai Animation Film Studio in the form of a long scroll, and refined the key words of classic animation IP and combined them with the current one.

Shoot new movies and develop spin-offs

Shanghai Meiying revitalizes the old IP step by step

  The animation "Chinese Strange Story" has just ended with a high score, and the audience who are still eagerly looking forward to the news that "Chinese Strange Story" will be filmed for the second season. "" "Flying Antelope" and so on are also planning to shoot big movies, and the childhood memories of the post-90s will come in groups.

The audience is looking forward to the new interpretation of the classic animation IP that has grown up with a generation of audiences.

  Reporter Song said

Classic IP making big movies

  At the beginning of this year, Shanghai Animation Film Studio created the first popular Chinese manga of the year "China Strange Tan".

The whole film includes eight independent short stories, using various classic Chinese art styles such as paper-cutting, ink painting, and doll freeze-frame, and has achieved super high praise.

The explosion of "China Strange Tan" made netizens boil, "The familiar Shanghai Meiying is back."

As a classic label of Chinese animation, Shanghai Animation Film Studio recently announced that the second part of "China's Strange Story" is also under active preparation. Shanghai American Film also plans to create "China's Strange Story" IP universe, and some short films will also be produced into a big movie.

  Not only "China Strange Story", many classic IPs under Shanghai Meiying have also taken new actions recently, integrating old stories into new technologies to present them.

Among them, "Flying Antelope" is a new work being produced by Shanghai American Film Group, and it is expected to be released in 2024.

As can be seen in the early posters, whether it is an antelope or a wolf in the animated film "Gala Flying", the depiction techniques are simplified, highly concise, and full of Chinese style.

According to the official introduction of the animation, "Gala Flying Crossing" is a typical ink animation, but it is different from ordinary ink animation. The aesthetic feeling of the ink and wash is retained.

The story tells that the wolf and the sheep, the natural enemies of nature, came together after a special destiny choice. The film will be China's first ink animation feature film.

  With the model of restarting the old IP and incubating new IP, the upcoming works of Shanghai Meiying are not limited to "Gala Feidu".

The moving and heart-warming animation "Snow Child" is one of the well-known domestic animations. It was directed by Lin Wenxiao, director of Shanghai Animation Film Studio, in 1980. Ji Hong acted as the screenwriter and Ding Jianhua acted as the dubbing.

The film tells the story of the mother rabbit who made a snow child to play with the little white rabbit before going out, and the snow child sacrificed to save the little white rabbit.

  In Shanghai Meiying’s restart plan for the old IP, there are still many works that will be released soon, such as the art exploration film "Ranbiwa", and in the future, there will be more than a dozen new films created with IPs such as Monkey King and Big Ear Tutu as the protagonists. department.

From the screen to the audience

  The animations produced by shangmeiying have run through the memory of several generations, such as "Three Monks", "Havoc in Heaven", "Calabash Brothers", "Black Cat Sheriff", "Tian Shu Qi Tan", "Nezha Nao Hai", "Ma Liang", etc. Classic cartoons are widely watched.

Shanghai Meiying has also created many "firsts" in the field of animation in my country: my country's first color puppet film "Little Heroes", the first puppet film "Xiaomei's Dream" using real-life and puppet synthesis technology, the first color animation film The film "Why the Crow is Black" and "Little Tadpole Looking for Mother" created a precedent for Chinese ink animation.

The quality of these works is very high, and it also incorporates elements such as ink, puppet, paper-cut, stickers, etc., highlighting the strong "Chinese style". Many of these works still have great influence today.

  Since its establishment in 1957, Shanghai Meiying has created many excellent Chinese manga works, which are no less classic and popular than some Disney IPs.

However, Shanghai Meiying used to focus on content creation. Although it had a huge IP library, it rarely commercialized IP, and audiences rarely saw the IP image of Shanghai Meiying outside of the works.

In recent years, Shanghai Meiying has made great efforts to expand the influence of IP.

Last year, Shanghai Meiying launched the "Hundred Years of Chinese Animation Long Scroll", which recorded the classic animation films produced by Shanghai Animation Film Studio in the form of a long scroll, and refined the key words of classic animation IP and combined them with the current one.

For example, the "Tiangong Dream" in "Havoc in Heaven" in 1961 corresponds to Tiangong-1, which was sent into space in 2011. The "Calabash Brothers" with clairvoyant eyes and ears in 2020 corresponds to the Chinese Sky Eye who talks to the depths of the universe in 2020.

  Shanghai Meiying has also settled in the e-commerce platform, using a powerful IP library to develop IP derivatives, and conduct commercial marketing of IP authorization, and cooperate with a wide range of brands.

This year's "China Strange Tan" became popular after it was broadcast, which also led to a surge in the sales of peripheral derivatives. Currently, many products are in the pre-sale stage.

Shanghai Meiying also stated on the e-commerce platform, "The peripherals of the new series are being designed and rushed to produce, and the factory is producing at full capacity", and joked that the machines are "smoking".

From the online tribute barrage to the offline "one is hard to find", the audience's love for excellent animation IP can be seen.

  Qilu Evening News