Teller Report

"This film was a bit like a dream": 3 years after his death, a documentary on Christophe is released in cinemas

3/8/2023, 9:37:56 AM

Three years after his death, a documentary on singer Christophe is released in cinemas this Wednesday. Entitled "Christophe... Definitively", this film, directed by Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster and Ange Leccia, retraces the intimate and elusive universe of the artist of "Mots bleus".

Marie Gicquel, edited by Laura Laplaud 10:23 a.m., March 08, 2023

Three years after his death, a documentary on the singer Christophe is released in cinemas this Wednesday.

Entitled "Christophe... Definitively", this film, directed by Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster and Ange Leccia, retraces the intimate and elusive universe of the artist of "Mots bleus".

It will soon be three years since the singer Christophe disappeared.

But his memory lives on thanks to an intimate documentary, filmed by two visual artists, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster and Ange Leccia.

Christophe... Definitely

was presented at the last Cannes Film Festival and here it is this Wednesday at the cinema.

Europe 1 was able to talk with Ange Leccia and try to unravel the mystery of the man with the blue words. 

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An elusive artist

It is a night owl, elusive behind his dark glasses that the director and visual artist Ange Leccia has followed for years with his camera... Nocturnal scenes, of his creative sessions in the darkness of his slightly disturbed Parisian apartment, with lights from the Olympia stage in 2002. Archives that date back, but we had to mourn the singer.

"This film was a bit like a dream and it was its sudden disappearance that at some point we finished the film", he confides at the microphone of Europe 1.

A delicate breakthrough in the intimacy of the artist

Slow motion, pastel colors, light effects, and stolen confidences… The dreamlike realization perfectly marries the poetic spirit of the man with blue words and white hair slicked back.

"His state of poetry, his introspection of creators brought him yes, towards this melancholy", he continues.

We discover a Christophe amused by children's toys, improvising himself as a designer in the middle of the night and always passionate about noises.

The singer has only seen a few excerpts from this documentary that could be described as a delicate breakthrough in the intimacy of this secret artist for eternity.