Teller Report

"Iron Lady" sticks to the "Three Disabled Families" for 30 years: Marries love and sticks to responsibility

3/7/2023, 6:19:46 AM

"In early spring on the plateau, in Tiejia Village, Longzhi Township, Haidong Citizens and Hui and Tu Autonomous County, Qinghai Province, middle-aged woman San Honglian and her husband Tie Ruhong washed the face and body of a bedridden old man who was blind." San Honglian said, she will continue Take good care of my uncle's life, and the two children have grown up. As long as the family works hard, the "bitter" days will definitely become "sweet".

  China News Service, Xining, March 7th: "Iron Lady" sticks to the "three disabled families" for 30 years: Marries love and sticks to responsibility

  Author Li Jun Shi Yanshou

  "Father, are the hot water and towels hot?" "Not hot, just comfortable."

  In early spring on the plateau, middle-aged woman San Honglian and her husband Tie Ruhong washed the face and body of a blind elderly man in bed in Tiejia Village, Longzhi Township, Haidong Citizen and Hui and Tu Autonomous County, Qinghai Province.

  "Sanhonglian is a good daughter-in-law recognized by everyone in our village. She takes care of three disabled people at home. It is easy to persist for a year or two, but it is very rare to persist for 30 years. Sanhonglian has done it and set an example for the whole village. " said Tie Rusheng, director of the Tiejia Village Committee.

  In 1992, Sanhonglian and Tieruhong got married.

It was originally a happy event, but Tie Ruhong murmured in her heart: "She doesn't know that there are three disabled people in my family, should I tell her?"

  Tie Ruhong recalled that in those two days he could not sleep at night, and he was afraid of losing her when he told about the three disabled people in his family, and he was afraid that "the fire could not be contained in the paper" if he did not tell.

  In the end, Tie Ruhong made up her mind and told San Honglian about the fact that there were three disabled people in her family.

  Faced with the reality that the person she likes and her family have "three disabilities", San Honglian is in a dilemma.

  San Honglian's parents are kind-hearted. When they saw that their daughter liked Tie Ruhong very much, they told her to make up her own mind: "I can marry if I want to, but after I marry, I must not dislike the family members with disabilities, and I must take good care of them." Life."

  In the end, Sanhonglian became Tie Ruhong's bride. From that moment on, she married love and responsibility.

With 30 years of no complaints and no regrets, she silently fulfilled the entrustment of her parents.

The picture shows San Honglian cleaning up the courtyard.

Photo by Shi Yanshou

  Tie Ruhong's mother suffers from mental illness, and she curses at her neighbors and her son and daughter-in-law all day long; Tie Ruhong's uncle, who is over 70 years old, lost his eyesight due to delay in eye disease treatment since childhood; Tie Ruhong's younger sister Tie Jinhong was paralyzed for life due to illness at birth, unable to take care of herself.

  In the memory of her husband Tie Ruhong, San Honglian has never had a hot meal since she married into his house: "She gets up very early every day, first cleans the house, and then turns over and scrubs the uncle and sister who can't take care of themselves, Cooking and feeding, after these things are done, the rice in the pot is cold, and after eating in a hurry, I start to feed the pigs and sheep, and then I have to do farm work in the field, which can't be done for an hour or two , I have to rush home to prepare lunch again..."

  What Tie Ruhong still remembers is that at noon in 2019, his wife brought a bowl of hot rice she had just made to her mother. Suddenly, the mother splashed all the rice on his wife's chest.

The hot rice just out of the pot is not as hot as boiling water, but it has a temperature of at least sixty to seventy degrees.

Facing the unexpected "catastrophe", the wife endured the pain with tears in her eyes, and walked out of her mother's room crying.

  Faced with the insults from her mentally ill mother-in-law, San Honglian kept pretending to be deaf and dumb.

She said: "My mother-in-law has a serious mental illness, and I can't blame her for cursing all day long. She scolds her, and I do mine. Let her eat hot food and sleep on a hot kang."

  Because the three disabled members of the family need to be taken care of, Tie Ruhong cannot travel far away to work to earn money, so she can only find some jobs nearby to supplement the family's expenses.

While taking care of the daily life of the family, San Honglian cultivates a few acres of land and produces some grain for rations. The family's life is stretched.

  Seven or eight years ago, with the support of the incentive housing project of the Longzhi Township Government, Tie Ruhong built several new brick houses. San Honglian and her husband left the new house for their blind uncle to live in. The couple continued to live in Zhuang Kuo. The side room in the corner of the courtyard is just fine.

  "Abba has been blind since childhood, has no wife and children, is alone, and is our elder. After discussion, we decided to let Aba live in a new house." San Honglian said.

  Since then, the Civil Affairs Bureau of Minhe County has included the three disabled persons in the list of extremely poor supporters. The care and support of the township government and the village committee have ensured the family's life.

  Because she didn't dare to go too far, Tie Ruhong found a job in a company in Minhe Industrial Park not far from her home under the matchmaking of relevant departments, and she was paid about 5,000 yuan a month.

Tie Ruhong said: "I don't dare to travel far because I think that if something happens at home, I worry that she won't be able to take care of it alone."

  "My mother-in-law passed away a few years ago, and my sister-in-law also passed away last year. The only one alive is my uncle who is blind." San Honglian said that she will continue to take good care of her uncle's life. The two children have grown up. With hard work, the "bitter" days will surely become "sweet".
