Teller Report

Why does Jingzhe repel insects and "beat villains"? - Chinanews video

3/6/2023, 5:01:06 AM

Why does Jingzhe repel insects and "beat villains"?   [Explanation] On March 6, we ushered in the third solar term in the twenty-four solar terms - Awakening of Insects. As the saying goes, spring thunder sounds and everything grows. Why is Jingzhe closely related to thunder? Why is there a custom of "beating villains" on this day?   Folklore experts said that during the long winter, animals and insects hide in the soil. During the Awakening of In

  [Explanation] On March 6, we ushered in the third solar term in the twenty-four solar terms - Awakening of Insects.

As the saying goes, spring thunder sounds and everything grows. Why is Jingzhe closely related to thunder?

Why is there a custom of "beating villains" on this day?

  Folklore experts said that during the long winter, animals and insects hide in the soil.

During the Awakening of Insects season, the temperature turns warmer, and the sound of spring thunder wakes up the animals that live in hibernation.

This is why the ancients called it "Jingzhe".

  [Concurrent] Tang Zhiqiang, Secretary-General of the 24 Solar Terms Protection and Inheritance Alliance

  The ancients explained it as thunder, and then they were frightened and ran out, but now it seems that from the origin, there should be thunder in the southern region at this time, and the thunder has not started in the northern region at this time.

Often in our past proverbs and poems, it is often emphasized that because of this thunder, and then the bugs run away in shock, ending hibernation.

At present, it seems that this bug has little to do with thunder, because it is mainly related to the temperature. The temperature rises, the relationship is relatively large, so the hibernation will end, that's what it means.

  [Explanation] After the Waking of Insects, the dormant insects began to move out.

Therefore, on this day, folks will carry out many folk activities related to deworming.

  [Concurrent] Tang Zhiqiang, Secretary-General of the 24 Solar Terms Protection and Inheritance Alliance

  For example, the custom of frying insects, and the custom of sweeping insects, the Tujia people in Hubei have Jingzhe as the insect shooting day, and use archery to shoot insects to guide people to eliminate pests and diseases.

In Shaanxi, Shandong, Jiangsu and other places, there is a custom of stir-frying soybeans and sesame seeds and then sharing them with everyone. This is called frying and eating worms, which means to eliminate pests.

Then there is Shanxi, where people eat pears in the wake of stings, that is, some people in the north eat pears, one is because of the solar terms, it is relatively dry.

But it has a homonym, pear and Li are homophonic, so it means to keep away from insects and diseases, and express people's good wishes to drive away insects and pray for a good harvest.

  [Explanation] In the long-term spread, this custom has evolved and derived the custom of "beating villains" in Jingzhe.

Experts said that this also contains people's expectations for the coming of spring and the awakening of vitality.

  [Concurrent] Tang Zhiqiang, Secretary-General of the 24 Solar Terms Protection and Inheritance Alliance

  Bugs, ants, etc. come out, and then people will smoke every corner of the house with wormwood on the day of Waking of Insects to drive away these bugs, snakes, mosquitoes, rats, and musty smells.

As time goes by, it turns into people who don't like it, which is equivalent to making a puppet and then beating, then it becomes extended to allusions to people.

It reflects that people are looking forward to being less disturbed by villains during the year, or to usher in a bumper harvest relatively smoothly, and then to be healthy and healthy, and to bless people to live a safe and healthy life. expect.

  Reporter Wang Shibo reports from Beijing

Responsible editor: [Liu Pai]