Teller Report

The counterattack of the bomb search dog "Delta": from "no one wants" to "meritorious dog" Video

3/6/2023, 10:38:28 PM

The counterattack of the explosive search dog "Delta": from "no one wants" to "meritorious dog"   [Explanation] At the Harbin Police Dog Training Base of the Heilongjiang Entry-Exit Frontier Inspection General Station, the trainer Meng Qingbo is carrying out daily training in the snow with the Malinois "Delta". As a police dog independently bred at the base, "Delta" was the least favored dog in the litter of seven police dogs when he was young. In the past 6 years, "Delta" has been rated as

  [Explanation] At the Harbin Police Dog Training Base of the Heilongjiang Entry-Exit Frontier Inspection General Station, the trainer Meng Qingbo is carrying out daily training in the snow with the Malinois "Delta".

As a police dog independently bred at the base, "Delta" was the least favored dog in the litter of seven police dogs when he was young.

In the past 6 years, "Delta" has been rated as a "Meritorious Dog" for its counterattack all the way.

  [Same period] Meng Qingbo, captain of the police dog training team at the Harbin Police Dog Training Base

  At that time, when it was 8 months (old) into the training session, we selected it. This dog was the smallest (body size) in (a litter) and the fur color was the worst. From our professional terminology, it is called training. The nerve type and police quality are not very prominent.

At that time I came back from a mission (just) and there was only one end of it left. I didn’t want it at first, but then it kept circling around me. I thought it was cute. Although the police quality is average, it will definitely be very good in the future. , I chose this dog at that time.

  [Explanation] Meng Qingbo never expected that the thin "Delta" has a very "sensitive" personality.

  [Same period] Meng Qingbo, captain of the police dog training team at the Harbin Police Dog Training Base

  Sometimes during the training process, you can’t yell at it, and we can’t use some forced methods in our training. I am very patient to play with it. Other dogs have already learned a lot of subjects, but it still can’t do anything. No, I wasn't discouraged either, I just kept playing with it, playing games with it, and cultivating this kind of affinity with it.

  [Explanation] Hard work pays off, and Meng Qingbo's efforts have been rewarded as they should.

In a preparation team evaluation, the results of "Delta" were beyond Meng Qingbo's expectation.

  [Same period] Meng Qingbo, captain of the police dog training team at the Harbin Police Dog Training Base

  With the extension of training, we caught up with the National Police Dog Skills Competition for the Ministry of Public Security.

At that time, this dog was selected into the preparation team for the competition, but only one dog was able to play. I didn’t have much hope for it. After about ten comprehensive evaluations, each time it was assessed in the (competition) process (achievements) ) are very stable, and finally represent our unit to participate in national competitions.

  [Explanation] Since then, "Delta" has counterattacked all the way.

In 2019, "Delta" performed the security inspection mission for the 70th anniversary of the National Day military parade.

In 2022, it will undertake the task of patrolling the Beijing competition area during the Beijing Winter Olympics.

At present, "Delta" has been on duty 57 times in the core areas of major security tasks, with a security inspection area of ​​80,000 square meters.

  [Same period] Meng Qingbo, captain of the police dog training team at the Harbin Police Dog Training Base

  Its main business is explosive search and security inspection, which is what we commonly call explosive search dogs. It mainly searches for raw materials of explosives, and will give us reminders and warnings when found.

The second professional direction is search and arrest, forest search and arrest. It will be more efficient than people searching in open areas. After finding people, it will bark and call the police as soon as possible, and then bite, giving us some time to arrest people. , used to arrest the suspects.

Once I participated in the task of arresting criminal suspects. I took this dog to search in the mountains and forests. A tree branch cut its nose, and the wound was relatively deep at that time.

The nose is bleeding, and the dog is still working with me, which is very distressing.

  [Explanation] At the end of this year, "Delta", who is about to turn 7 years old, will retire. As a "meritorious dog", he will enjoy his happy old age in the Harbin police dog training base.

Here, like "Delta", there are many other self-bred police dogs.

Recently, the first batch of 53 self-bred police dogs of the National Immigration Administration completed 15 days of training at the Harbin police dog training base, and have officially "started to work" and went to the front line to perform border duties.

  Wang Ning reports from Heilongjiang Suihua

Responsible editor: [Luo Pan]