Teller Report

Beijing CDC issues health tips for preventing dengue fever

3/6/2023, 9:55:16 AM

After dengue fever patients or latent infected persons are bitten by Aedes mosquitoes, the virus can be transmitted to healthy people through the bite after 8-10 days of multiplication in the body of Aedes mosquitoes. 2. In addition to fever, patients with dengue fever are often accompanied by bone headaches, headaches, muscle pains, rashes, and bleeding spots. Some patients may also have diarrhea, stomach pains and other gastrointestinal symptoms.

  China News Service, March 6th. According to the WeChat public account of the Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention on the 6th, the number of dengue fever cases in Southeast Asia and other places has increased significantly recently, and imported dengue fever cases have been reported in China.

  The past cases of dengue fever in Beijing were all imported cases, mostly due to overseas travel, labor export, business trips abroad and business activities to the source of the epidemic, and the places where the cases were mainly infected were Southeast Asian countries.

As an international metropolis, Beijing has frequent exchanges of personnel and materials.

  Citizens and friends should also take good health protection while enjoying a happy trip, and pay attention to preventing mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue fever.

What is dengue fever?

  Dengue fever is an acute infectious disease caused by dengue virus, which is transmitted through the bite of the vector Aedes mosquito. It is one of the most widely spread mosquito-borne infectious diseases in the world.

  At present, dengue fever epidemic areas are mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, among which the epidemics in Southeast Asia, the Western Pacific region and the Americas are the most serious.

  In my country, it is mainly popular in southern regions such as Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Fujian, Taiwan and Zhejiang.

The season of dengue fever is mainly from May to November.

How is dengue spread?

  Dengue fever is a strict Aedes vector-borne disease, which is continuously transmitted by the path of sick/subclinically infected people→Aedes mosquito→healthy people, and the disease will not be directly transmitted from person to person.

  After dengue fever patients or latent infected persons are bitten by Aedes mosquitoes, the virus can be transmitted to healthy people through the bite after 8-10 days of multiplication in the body of Aedes mosquitoes.

  my country is not an endemic country for dengue fever, and the crowd is generally susceptible. After infection, the incubation period of 3-15 days may cause the disease, but some people do not suffer from the disease (called recessive infections).

What is the difference between a common cold fever and dengue fever?

  Symptoms of dengue fever are similar to those of colds and flu. Pay attention to the following three differences:

  1. The fever caused by dengue fever is generally "high fever", and the body temperature can often reach 39°C or even 40°C.

  2. In addition to fever, patients with dengue fever are often accompanied by bone headache, headache, muscle pain, rash, and bleeding spots. Some patients may also have diarrhea, stomach pain and other gastrointestinal symptoms.

  3. In addition to fever, the symptoms caused by colds are often accompanied by nasal congestion, runny nose, cough and other symptoms.

Do you suspect you have dengue fever?

  If you have stayed in a country or region where dengue fever is endemic in the past 2 weeks, or dengue fever has occurred in the community, street, or even the city where you live and move, when you have a sudden fever (sometimes up to 39°C), accompanied by the following symptoms One—Obvious fatigue, anorexia, nausea, etc., often accompanied by severe headache, orbital pain, general muscle pain, bone and joint pain, and flushing of the face, neck, and chest, you should consider the possibility of dengue fever infection.

  At this time, you should go to a regular hospital for medical treatment as soon as possible, and take the initiative to explain to the doctor that you may have dengue fever, so as to get diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible.

And take anti-mosquito isolation to prevent further spread.

Is there a vaccine for dengue fever?

How to treat it?

  At present, there is no approved and registered vaccine for dengue fever, which means that there is no way to prevent dengue fever through vaccination.

  At present, there is no specific antiviral treatment drug, and supportive and symptomatic treatment measures are mainly adopted.

  The principles of treatment are early detection, early diagnosis, early treatment, and early anti-mosquito isolation.

Early identification and timely treatment of severe cases are the key to reducing the fatality rate.

How to prevent dengue fever if you go to a dengue fever endemic area?

  01 Before going to the epidemic area

  Properly prepare anti-mosquito products, such as: anti-mosquito liquid, toilet water, mosquito coils, electric mosquito swatters, mosquito killer lamps, mosquito nets, high-efficiency and low-toxic mosquito killers, etc.

  02 During the epidemic area

  Wear long-sleeved underwear, try to choose light colors, and use mosquito repellent and other mosquito repellent products when going out to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes;

  Install screen doors and window screens, and use mosquito coils and anti-mosquito aerosols in hotel rooms before going out. Note that even if it is a hotel, you must also pay attention to indoor mosquito control;

  When symptoms of suspected dengue fever appear, seek medical attention in time.

  03 After entering or returning to Beijing

  Returnees should take the initiative to cooperate with the entry-exit inspection and quarantine department to do a good job in entry quarantine, and truthfully fill in the health declaration card.

  When entering the country, those who have fever, rash and other symptoms should take the initiative to report their illness to the entry-exit inspection and quarantine agency, and cooperate with the health and quarantine department to carry out investigations and corresponding medical examinations.

  If you have symptoms such as fever within 14 days after returning from the epidemic area or returning to Beijing, you should seek medical treatment in time.

When seeking medical treatment, take the initiative to inform the medical staff of your recent travel history and local mosquito bite history, so that timely diagnosis and treatment can be obtained.

(China New Finance and Economics)


