Teller Report

Vejp trend at Rödebyskolan - middle school students smoke

3/5/2023, 6:00:50 PM

Smoking e-cigarettes, vaping, has during 2023 become a growing problem at Rödeby School. School staff have seized e-cigarettes from students who in some cases were so young that they attend middle school in grades 4 and 5. This was P4 Blekinge the first to tell.

In the clip above, you can hear more about the growing problem with e-cigarettes at Rödeby School.

The school has now acted and sent out emails to guardians urging them to talk to the children about the risks of e-cigarettes.

- It is important that guardians receive this information so that they can discuss it at home, says Åsa Lindén Bengtsson, principal at Rödeby School.

In the clip below, you hear Umeå researcher Linnea Hedman about the risks of e-cigarettes and the increasing use of them among young people.

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"Affects vessels and airways" - the researcher hears about the risks of vaping Photo: Anna Bergman SVT / Anders Alm.