Teller Report

Three minors, CF Camarles players, die when the car they were traveling in falls down a ravine in Tarragona

3/5/2023, 7:42:52 PM

Three teenagers have died and another person has been critically injured early this Sunday afternoon when the vehicle in which they were traveling left the road, fell...

Three teenagers have died and another person has been critically injured early this Sunday afternoon when the vehicle in which they were traveling left the road, fell down a ravine and caught fire on the TV-3022 road in El Perelló (Tarragona). , reported Trànsit.


the three minors were players from CF Camarles, the town in Tarragona where they lived, and they were going to the municipality of Pinell de Brai

to watch a football match between the team from that municipality and CF Camarles B, from the Cuarta Catalana. , which has been suspended at half-time, according to the sports media GolCat on its Twitter page.

The Servei Català de Trànsit (SCT) has reported that the accident took place shortly before 4:00 p.m. at kilometer 1 of that road, in El Perelló in the direction of Rasquera.

The Minister of the Interior of the Generalitat, Joan Ignasi Elena, is currently heading to El Perelló and plans to speak to the media in front of the municipality's town hall.

For reasons that are being investigated,

the car in which the three minors were traveling has left the road, has fallen down a ravine and has caught fire


As a result of the accident, the driver of the car was critically injured and was transferred to the Vall d'Hebron Hospital in Barcelona, ​​and the three minors who were traveling in the car died on the spot.

Six patrols from the Mossos d'Esquadra, six units from the Generalitat Fire Brigade and four ambulances from the Emergency Medical System (SEM) have gone to the scene of the accident, forcing the road to be cut in both directions.

With these three fatalities, there are already 24 people who have died in traffic accidents since January on Catalan interurban roads, according to the provisional balance of the SCT.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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