Teller Report

Strike of March 7: very disrupted traffic at SNCF and RATP on Tuesday

3/5/2023, 4:30:49 PM

This Sunday, while nearly 1.4 million people are expected everywhere in France on Tuesday during the day of mobilization against the pension reform, the SNCF and the RATP have indicated that the circulation of trains in France will be " very strongly disturbed". Faced with this, the Minister of Transport calls on the French to telecommute.

Europe 1 with AFP 5:17 p.m., March 5, 2023

This Sunday, while nearly 1.4 million people are expected everywhere in France on Tuesday during the day of mobilization against the pension reform, the SNCF and the RATP indicated that the circulation of trains in France will be "very greatly disturbed".

Faced with this, the Minister of Transport calls on the French to telecommute.

The circulation of trains in France will be "very strongly disturbed" on Tuesday, for the TGV as for the TER, and "very disturbed" in the metro and the RER in Ile-de-France, on the occasion of the sixth day of strike national against the pension reform project, SNCF and RATP said on Sunday.

Traffic will be "severely disrupted on all the lines operated by SNCF Voyageurs", with one train in five on average for the TGV Inoui and Ouigo as well as for the TER, according to the SNCF, whose all the unions have called for a renewable strike movement.

Thalys and Eurostar are also concerned.

For its part, the RATP provides "very disrupted traffic on the RER and Metro networks" and "disturbed on the Bus and Tram networks".

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