Teller Report

Okinawa Carries vehicles used for missile launches to Ishigaki Garrison opened this month

3/5/2023, 5:12:38 AM

[NHK] Vehicles such as those used for launching missiles were brought to the new Ground Self-Defense Force garrison to be opened this month on Ishigaki Island in Okinawa Prefecture.

Vehicles used to launch missiles have been brought to a new Ground Self-Defense Force base to be opened this month on Ishigaki Island in Okinawa Prefecture.

The Ministry of Defense plans to open the ``Ishigaki Garrison'', the first base of the Ground Self-Defense Force on Ishigaki Island, on the 16th of this month, and the vehicles used at the garrison have been unloaded at Ishigaki Port since the end of last month.

On the 5th, just after 7:30 am, vehicles used for launching missiles and light armored vehicles left the port one after another and headed for the garrison.

At the entrance and exit of the port, a group of residents opposed to the deployment of the Self-Defense Forces held a protest by blocking the gate from early in the morning, and the police moved them by holding their bodies.

Vehicles leaving the port entered the garrison without passing through the center of the island, and it is believed that more than 100 vehicles were brought in on the 5th.

On the other hand, no ammunition such as missiles was confirmed.

"Ishigaki Garrison" is to be established by the Ground Self-Defense Force following Yonaguni Island and Miyako Island in order to strengthen the defense capabilities of the Nansei Islands.