Teller Report

Deputy Belik called Scholz's statement about the "easy" refusal of Russian gas cunning

3/5/2023, 7:06:46 PM

Dmitry Belik, a member of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs, commented in an interview with RT on the statement of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz that the German economy "easily" survived the rejection of Russian gas.

According to the parliamentarian, the German chancellor has to pass off "wishful thinking".

“Scholz is disingenuous that the energy shortage did not affect German industry and did not affect anything.

Rising prices for food, energy and other goods, inflation, recession, social tensions are just some of the characteristic consequences of the “easy” refusal of Russian gas, ”said Belik.

The MP is sure that the German authorities prefer to "destroy their economy to please the States."

Earlier, Scholz said that Germany "easily" survived the rejection of Russian gas.

Bloomberg reported that Germany is facing dependence on LNG due to the refusal of Russian gas.